Translations - how to open qm files ?
Fri, 2008-07-18 22:24
Translations for new lines in txt
Polish language
01:02=%1 wygrywają!
01:03=Głośność %1%
01:04=Gra wstrzymana
01:05=Czy na pewno chcesz wyjść (Y/Esc)?
01:06=Nagła śmierć!
why do I have this error ?
if I change something in pl.txt
why do I have this error ?
and how to open files *.qm ?
You have this error because your text editor adds invisible characters at the start of the file pl.txt, you may see them in this error message.
.qm file are not supposed to be opened, you should edit .ts files instead (which could be found in project's source files). You may use Qt4's Linguist for that purpose, and Qt4's lrelease to produce .qm files out of them.
Sorry, but what are you talking about, i see lines you pasted correctly. I translate this game into Polish so if you want to correct anything please let me know, ok? / GG: 3747253
Ok, I talked with unC0Rr. It was my mistake. I'm sorry. / GG: 3747253