New ideas
Black Hole:
Surges all around hogs into its direction, power is based on their distance to it. For every second inside hogs will loose 10% of their current health. Effect lasts 5 seconds. After it hogs will get released into random direction based on the power they got sucked into.
Suction Gun:
Shoots a plug to target land, allowing hog to collect power (hold space) and jump forwards to there. (Similiar to Rope)
Earth Shake:
Shakes the earth, all hogs will roll towards the next cliff/lower ground.
Note Gun:
Shoots notes in all directions which attach to a hog and make it half deaf, ignoring 50% of the commands a user will give in its next turn.
Infects nearby hogs, every hog which will come close to them will also become infected. Infected hogs cannot heal and have reduced turn time.
I've added a picture of how Black Hole and Suction Gun could work:
22:23 sheepluva@ : TheAnachron: seen it a while ago. and hm. could be more comic :P e.g. instead of suction gun
-> vacuum cleaner etc.
22:23 sheepluva@ : although the way that particular weapon works seems pretty redundant (because rope)
22:23 TheAnachron : sheepluva: yeah, but it would workw differently as you have to charge before you fly
22:23 sheepluva@ : if you could use it to suck items to you, that'd be nice actually
22:23 TheAnachron : sheepluva: and rope is pretty much the opposite.
22:23 sheepluva@ : especially if you accidentially catch a mine x)
22:23 TheAnachron : sheepluva: well maybe that gun could have two modes?
22:24 TheAnachron : sheepluva: either it will shoot somewhere or suck something xD like a hook
22:25 sheepluva@ : nah, if there is a second function on vacuum cleaner it's be blow ;p
22:25 sheepluva@ : so that you can push stuff away - and blow out fire
22:25 TheAnachron : xD or blow
22:25 TheAnachron : Cool, maybe even better
22:25 TheAnachron : you'd see it like a switch xD
22:26 sheepluva@ : hm. I'll put vaccum cleaner on my TODO, really like the concept.
22:26 sheepluva@ : better than fishing rod
22:27 sheepluva@ : which I considered for pulling stuff
22:27 sheepluva@ : and getting health out of the ocean or something
22:27 sheepluva@ : that'd be still weird tho
22:27 sheepluva@ : xD
22:27 TheAnachron : it would be pretty hilarious too
22:27 sheepluva@ : so vaccum cleaner it is
22:27 TheAnachron : especially if you mess up with the vacuum cleaner XD
22:27 TheAnachron : You don't like the black hole idea?
22:28 sheepluva@ : and hm, could make it usable in mid-air and using "blow" it could be used to slow the fall of
a hog
22:28 TheAnachron : sheepluva: just like the SinGun?
22:28 TheAnachron : or similiar*
22:29 sheepluva@ : not really. more like that it slows down the fall when you're close enough to the floor to
blow (and dust off lol) against the floor
22:29 TheAnachron : Hmmm ok
22:29 sheepluva@ : so not a complete direction reversal, more of a speed/damange reducing measure
22:29 sheepluva@ : *damage
22:29 TheAnachron : Yeah that makes much more sense actually
22:29 TheAnachron : and it could be actually wh at you are looking for
22:30 TheAnachron : It allows for unique uses too
22:30 sheepluva@ : could also be used to land safely on fire ;p
22:31 sheepluva@ : and the best about it is
22:31 sheepluva@ : that if people complain about it and say that it sucks - we can reply "well of course it
does, that's the point!"
22:32 sheepluva@ : TheAnachron: black hole is kinda similar to seduction... just easier to position
22:32 sheepluva@ : and stronger
22:32 TheAnachron : sheepluva: exactly.
22:33 sheepluva@ : TheAnachron: Pandemie sounds like a gamestyle rather than a regular weapon
22:33 sheepluva@ : it's quite a game-changing OP mechanic
22:34 sheepluva@ : earth shake doesn't seem too original, instead I'd like a tsunami or something :P
22:34 TheAnachron : hmmm... I have to agree.
22:34 TheAnachron : hmmm ... but Tsunami in hellish terrain?
22:34 TheAnachron : That's why I didnt suggest something like that.
22:35 TheAnachron : I already had something like that in mind
22:35 sheepluva@ : note gun: really wtf annoyance to players :P even worse than icegun because so arbitrary lol
22:35 sheepluva@ : TheAnachron: you don't like lava tsunamis? :P
22:35 TheAnachron : Juast as well as I have "Thunderstorm" in my mind with lightnings ... some scenes just wont
fit :P
22:35 TheAnachron : sheepluva: yeah ... but I think thats cool XD And could be really refreshing... but yeah, I
don'T know..
22:36 TheAnachron : sheepluva: imagine people shooting a weapon and waiting for the hog to do stuff
22:36 TheAnachron : sheepluva: because they forgot their hog is half deaf :P
22:36 sheepluva@ : could also do a (skinable) piranha swarm that jump out the water and nibble on players near
the cliff
22:36 TheAnachron : sheepluva: it could cuase a lot of funny moments for the enemeies and ragequits for the
players xD
22:36 TheAnachron : sheepluva:
22:36 TheAnachron : sheepluva: that would be pretty cool.
Space - Throw
Enter - Hit
alien abduction
steal enemy hedgehog! аfter two turns he will return