Feature request: suicide AI
Sat, 2016-01-30 14:26
It would be fun to have the AI commit suicide when it's almost sure that it's gonna lose (according to some parameters).
For example, if the AI has only one hedgehog left with life=1, and I have two hedgehogs at life=100, it would be hilarious to see the AI jump into the water and shout out "you won't have me!"
Heh, that sounds silly - but that's why I like it ;p
sheepluva <- me
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a Hedgewars Developer
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I'd prefer AI to win with this 1 Hedgehog rather than suicide :P
I played Worms Reloaded recently and was in situation when I had one worm and opponent had 2 or 3. What I did? I found some nook to hide and even placed a girder, so I was safe. Luckily, my opponent wasn't skilled with movement and he ran out of jetpacks. I Air Striked him until he had one worm and finished him off with baseball bat.
What I want to tell is, that AI should be able to find the best way out of every situation. If it happens to be in fatal position, it should use defensive strategy and hope that enemy will eventually finish off himself trying to reach it (this works too, sometimes).
But suicide AI sounds actually fun for lower AI levels
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Maybe suicide AI can be set up only for one bot level, like 1, that way, the more expertise AI will not behave that way..
+1 for the implication that only noobs ragequit.

Hedgewars Developer