Records Page

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User offline. Last seen 22 weeks 58 min ago. Offline
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After some(a lot of) tries, I've finished shoppa-tech race 07... but... on records page there isn't any record on that map. Dunno if it's only with that map or what.

I Hate Christmas timeeee.. Santa! is dead!

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Hey, do you remember the exact date when it happened? And maybe even time? I tried to find your replay the day you reported it in channel, but didn't find anything. Did you finish it in official challenge room?

User offline. Last seen 22 weeks 58 min ago. Offline
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yep... I finished it on official room, twice.. some days before I wrote the post.. the 22/02/16 at 23.38 (utc+1).. I’ve the auto saved demo.

I Hate Christmas timeeee.. Santa! is dead!

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Please correct or delete this record in ClimbHome Time :
2016-03-23 .toews 98.490 33363 0.9.22

I did ≈266 the first time i finished it (2016-03-23). Im not sure 98 is possible too Wink Smiley .. my best being 180s


User offline. Last seen 7 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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the page not recognize me the record tech racer 1
2016-04-02_17-19_11267-9621fdcad965.51 <------ demo

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