Unofficial Hedgewars Wiki

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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 16 hours 38 min ago. Offline
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Some community members started an unofficial Hedgewars wiki because the official one is really chaotic and outdated and the wiki software is a mess. Also, only very few people have editing rights.

The unofficial wiki is by Hedgewars fans and for Hedgewars fans.
The unofficial wiki is a few months old now and does not have many articles. But it is open for everyone to edit. It uses the MediaWiki software. If I recall correctly, the wiki is hosted by Wohlstand.

You find it here:

Currently, the most interesting part about this wiki are the pages about the styles like Balanced Random Weapon. The other pages are also all Hedgewars-related but pretty much unsorted and chaotic. The wiki also lacks a basic structure and is is very WIP.
The idea is to create a complete Hedgewars user manual, eventually.

Basically, I just wanted to give a shout-out here to show you that this wiki exists and maybe hear what you think about the basic idea. Wink Smiley

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

nemo's picture
User offline. Last seen 9 weeks 9 hours ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-01-28
Posts: 1861

Yeah, our wiki software kinda sucks, being whatever was default in drupal ages ago.
Anyone up for helping do a drupal upgrade would be appreciated.

Would like to note, though, that we give access to edit the wiki to pretty much anyone who asks for it, so come by Live Chat/IRC if you want to improve the site wiki too.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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