Ring out Mode?

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Oflameo's picture
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Is there a mode restrict hedgehog kills to ring outs (being thrown into the water)?

sheepluva's picture
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There is an option in scheme settings that makes all hedgehogs invulnerable to damage - but not to drowning.

(If I remember correctly it's a game modifier toggle button displaying a few hedgehogs in protective bubbles/shields)

The basketball mission map makes use of it (throw enemy hogs in the basket and into the water). You might want to have a look at it Smile

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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Oflameo's picture
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Thanks sheepluva,

Wow, I am impressed with the level of mode options in the modifier toggle. I can even create a Wesnoth style game of hedgewars by using the king option. The toggle had everything I could ask for.

sheepluva's picture
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Glad to hear Smile

Small hint when it comes to King-Mode:

You might want to remove Kamikaze in whatever weapon-set you use for that mode.

Because Kamikaze is very over-powered.
If a King is vertically close enough to the water, a hedgehog can Kamikaze straight down to make a hole to the water - and if executed well the King can be kicked against a wall and into that hole in the same move!

Hm. Couldn't find an animated gif for this. Should make one x)

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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nemo's picture
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I find making all hogs invulnerable is one of the few ways to make the Crazy weapon set playable.
Can also be fun to combine it with extra damage and low gravity for long arcing flights.

Disabling stuff like portal gun might be necessary. There's been discussion of more portal gun options that would allow having it in the match but options like no portaling hogs besides you, or at no portaling enemy hogs.

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