[Themes] Doktor & Teknologi

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I made these for me and my friends, but thought that they might be fun for others to play as well.

High contrasts and simplistic backgrounds gives a clear overview. Large sprites provides both challenging obstacles and lifesaving cover, as well as major ballgun funnels, minestrike pits and practical attachment points for rope.

No clouds, small flakes. Bridges are standard because i like them that way.

Both themes included in hwp file.



Download link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23015/HW/Themes_by_Kakcoo.hwp

Have fun. Smile

mikade's picture
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Haven't tried 'em yet, but at a glance these look great.
Fantastic work as usual, Kakcoo. Mind if we include them in official?

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mikade allegedly wrote:

Haven't tried 'em yet, but at a glance these look great.
Fantastic work as usual, Kakcoo. Mind if we include them in official?

Thanks, and of course you can include them. Smile

ivan866's picture
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I'm happy that circuit board is finally approved for official, my work was worth it.

Have a melon.

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ivan866 allegedly wrote:

I'm happy that circuit board is finally approved for official, my work was worth it.

Hah. I see now that my concepts wasn't exactly groundbreaking. Never ment to steal your idea! Wink Smiley

Wuzzy's picture
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The themes are already very good. The land textures, objects and sprays are great work.

But I think the themes are somewhat imcomplete. There are some features missing.

Most importantly, fix the spelling of your files. It must be “horizont.png”, not “Horizont.png”. Check out http://hedgewars.org/kb/ThemeFiles for a list of all acceptable theme files (if you don't know this page already).

Both themes are lacking in background imagery: No clouds and flakes. There should be at least either clouds or flakes, not just for aesthetic reasons but also to see where the wind is going, so . You said you used flakes but they are so small they are barely noticable.
For flakes you might use some everyday objects. E.g. syringe, pills, tablets (or something like this) for Doktor, maybe? No idea for Teknologi, but also should have flakes.

The Doktor horizont is nice but it seems a little bit small. I suggest to increase it in size.

The Teknologi horizont is barely visible, the color has a bad contrast to the sky color. Please fix this.

You should use a custom Sudden Death color for water, some color which seems more fitting to the situation. The default purple is just ugly.

I noticed you have used black masks for all objects, thus forcing the land background textures for land objects. Why? They don't look like the normal land texture at all, so they should not have the land background texture IMO. I suggest to remove all object mask files. Using no land background texture for objects is pretty much standard in themes.

For Teknologi, I have a suggestion for the land background texture: Do something similar which has been done for the theme “CircuitBoard”: Use the same circuit board texture, make it dark (the current coloring is good), remove the resistors and other things (so only the board and conducting paths remain) and make the conducting paths golden. In other words, make the land background texture look like it is actually “inside” the circuit board when you dig. Smile

Finally, can you please make one HWP per theme instead of bundling them? Thanks.
Also, get rid of the __MACOS folder.
And if you have SVG or vector files, please upload them, too. The developers and artists of Hedgewars would be very grateful, because Hedgewars has a big problem with missing SVG files.

I noticed the sprays for Teknologi are those capacitator things. Nice idea, but sadly, they sometimes don't align well with the land texture, since they are placed randomly. They might end up on a chip or a resistor which looks very wrong. That's really a missing feature of Hedgewars and not your fault. You could of course remove the sprays, but that doesn't seem good either.
It would be nice if Hedgewars would somehow support to (optionally) set spray positions or something like this.

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User offline. Last seen 8 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks for the suggestions.

Edit: Wrong letter casing fixed. Hidden Mac OS-files removed.

ivan866's picture
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Slowly falling greenish 0s and 1s from the Matrix will do for Teknologi as flakes.

Have a melon.

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Nice themes, definitely worth polishing up and including.

h3oCharles's picture
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Simple, yet good quality themes right there. Judging by the screenshots the horizont isn't visible that well and huge land objects may have a big impact on gameplay. Also, no wind indicators visible, such as clouds and/or flakes.

oh hi

nemo's picture
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I'd prefer chips/resistors/capacitors falling from sky to match the physicalness of the rest of the theme.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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So you can make rain any stuff in custom themes??

sheepluva's picture
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In themes you can define the look and "weight" of the "flakes" that rain down all the time.

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ivan866's picture
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No you can't. Fall speed - yes, but the wind will still mess up with your "weight", rendering this setting useless.

Have a melon.

User offline. Last seen 6 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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Both themes are great in my opinion - please finish Teknologi so I can use it while adjusting my custom map Arcade Room for Hedgewars one day.

Great work, hope to see them in next release.

XMPP:alzen@jid.pl / GG: 3747253

Wuzzy's picture
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May I ask you to release your themes under a free culture license like the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/fdl-1.2)?

This is the same license in which almost all content in Hedgewars is licenced under, and it has served us very well over the years.

It would be nice if you would do that, it would simplify a lot of things for us and all our users.

Without a license, people are generally not allowed to share copies with others, because copyright is rather restrictive.

By the way, I consider inclusion into DLC.

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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And I went to download it only finding "Error 404" on the Dropbox link =(
So sad, now I or anybody else like me can't download such awesome theme ='(
OP or anybody please provide a working link, thank you very much in advance ='
*sob sob*


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Re-upload of themes:


(EDIT: Link is broken)

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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

Re-upload of themes:


Oooooooh! Thank you Wuzzy :OOO


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Worldblender's picture
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I can't seem to download these two themes again right now. Can someone upload it for me to get, and I'll copy them to a safe place for others to access?

Wuzzy's picture
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If only I knew where to upload this stuff.

EDIT: I think about adding this to DLC maybe. I mean, we got permission to use it for the game, so …

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Good news! Both themes have finally been added to DLC! This step was long overdue.

I did have to do some (technical) cleanup to remove useless files like “__MACOS” folder, etc. The artwork was not touched.

You find both themes in DLC as “Doktor_v1” and “Teknologi_v1”.

I have set the license to GNU FDL 1.2 because Kakcoo agreed to have them added to the game, and the GNU FDL 1.2 happens to be the default license for all artwork in Hedgewars.

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Worldblender's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

Good news! Both themes have finally been added to DLC! This step was long overdue.

I did have to do some (technical) cleanup to remove useless files like “__MACOS” folder, etc. The artwork was not touched.

You find both themes in DLC as “Doktor_v1” and “Teknologi_v1”.

I have set the license to GNU FDL 1.2 because Kakcoo agreed to have them added to the game, and the GNU FDL 1.2 happens to be the default license for all artwork in Hedgewars.

Thank you for finally making the two themes accessible again! I don't have to worry about them getting lost again.
However, I found a minor error in both themes: "Horizont.png" should be "horizont.png", as Linux and other Unix-like systems are case-sensitive with files. I have already fixed this myself, but I can't do the same for other copies.

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Oh man. I wasn't paying attention again. And the fun thing is, I already fixed this in my older local copies of these themes. Shame! xD

Anyway, version 2 is now up! I also added credits.txt while I was at it.

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