New map: Orca

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harmless911's picture
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I made this map in about20 mins:;11159164;/file
I hope you like it!

User offline. Last seen 12 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
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cool idea!

harmless911's picture
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Thanks. It's not professional looking like yours (I love both the Earthrise map and theme), but at least it is fun to play.

User offline. Last seen 13 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
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screenshot ?

Uriah's picture
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Well done!

You need some shading on the whale, have a look at existing hedgewars maps to see how they're shaded, see if you can copy that method onto your whale. I also suggest making the black a bit lighter, a dark grey. That way you have more room to shade.

Also, you shouldn't include clouds in the map, not when they are the same graphics as the existing non-map clouds. How will people tell them apart! Smile

Good job though, keep at it!

harmless911's picture
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I'll try my best with the shades, and replace the clouds with drops of water. If you like it you could include it in 0.9.6

Uriah's picture
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Right now it's a good start, but you'll have to manage to make it follow the style and qualities the other maps in the official releases possess first!

It's a learning process, you're off to a very good start!

harmless911's picture
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I improved it quite a bit:;11186440;/fileinfo.html
Tell me what else has to be updated. (There might not be enough shades)

Added after 2 minuts 19 seconds:
Oh, and yes, I used the water splashes from 'Hydrant'. And I'm thinking about making a theme for the orca.

harmless911's picture
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Semi-Final version. Tell me what has to be improved.;11192467;/fileinfo.html

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