voice chat

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I would like to see voice chat added to the game

User offline. Last seen 1 year 38 weeks ago. Offline
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no im asking for ingame voice chat not to use a third party app and also dosent suggestion teamspeak 3 go agenst the open source moddel of hedgewars why not use mumble then

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mumble is what we use. but adding it in game is a lot of trouble. easier to recommend a generic app.
and. specific purpose non-kitchen sink apps is more unix-y anyway ☺

actually what would probably be more useful in-game (but probably still won't get implemented) is dynamic translation which would make it easier to play against people from around the world.

but for these low-probability-of-getting-implemented things the FOSS path is pretty obv. if you really care about it, you could add it ☺

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please add block chat\block voicechat checkbox in 9.23

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Er... block chat... as in, turn off the chat text in-game entirely?

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the host can "disable chat for all". if this impossible to realize, hide chat by button

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There already is /hidechat command btw.

It was originally added to allow shoppa players to focus better during their turns.

(chat history key still works ofc)

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Aaand might be worth bringing up in case folks have forgotten... /team | y key works for spectators too. So if you want to comment on a match without helping/distracting the participants, send your messages to the "spectator" team.

More important for tournaments. Hm. Someone should start one of those.

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Voice chat is a good idea.

User offline. Last seen 1 year 38 weeks ago. Offline
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i thnk so too please add voice chat

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