Why Highlander?

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Mati Blaster
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Why Highlander is only played on online matches? Whether was once diffrently?

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That's a good question. At one time, other modes like Default, Shoppa and (to a lesser extent) Pro Mode were played as well.

Then Highlander came along... I think it was partly inspired by the Balanced Random Weapon script I created, which is reasonably popular. But for some reason Highlander is by far the most popular mode now. I don't really get it either...

And Shoppa seems to have disappeared almost completely, which I also don't really understand.

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claymore allegedly wrote:

At one time, other modes like Default, Shoppa and (to a lesser extent) Pro Mode were played as well.

Also Crazy. People played Crazy much more often than almost-never-played Pro Mode. I always wished it to be the other way around.

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Well I for one love to play BRW, Mutant and alike.

I never got the hang of High and/or Shoppa.

I currently play Battalion a lot, a mode I made as a mix between the Specialist and BRW.

This way weapons are not totally random or totally fix. Its actually quite nice to play.

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I think what made highlander take over is that in default or the specialists or shoppa pro players absolutely dominate due to their skill.

There are random elements, but they aren't random enough to give noobs a chance to win once in a while.

By contrast, Highlander has quite a few skill aspects, but noobs can still get lucky from time to time. Keeps people coming back which ensures there's people to play with when you sign on, which perpetuates it.
The "you never know what you're going to get" aspect is probably attractive too. Novelty.

BRW has too much randomness for it to attract most people I think. Also the weapons aren't configurable and more limited.

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Wrong. RPG elements, upgrading your hogs, accumulating power - that's what people need. And that's what Highlander gives them. Dominating with ballgun, then losing everything because your opponent has a melon, and then risking to take a high stake of getting everything at once by drowning your hog if it is too weak. Zeitgeist of gaming in year 2k.

Have a melon.

h3oCharles's picture
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Why Highlander all the time you say? Welp, that's not a hard question for me to answer.

Before I start it off, I saw lots of you guys registering to Hedgewars' forums and also being users of TUS, a Worms Armageddon forum at the same time (I've sent a Hedgewars-themed flag and a grave there).

And I think this may be the answer for it. Anyone of you have heard of Project X? No? This is where Highlander originates from. People want to play Highlander in WA, but they can't do it, because downgrading the game is very hard and not well-accessible for everyone.

And that's why Hedgewars exploded in popularity, they saw PX game modes being ported here, so new and more people came here.

One of the examples is you, Mati Blaster (on TUS as MatiWormsyRządzą13)
- Orange_Ball (That's why he has WA soundbanks in his videos and a Hedgewars Default in his WA clips)
- francot514, creator of a Hedgewars mission generator as well as a WA one.
- ivan866's signature "F8 is for bungee." is a direct reference to WA's Bungee, a transportation tool that does not exist in Hedgewars.

There are many people like them (me included), they want to see more from Hedgewars and looks like lua coding is insufficient for everyone. I mean, (no offense, mikade) who even tries to master TechRacer that's also active on the forums?

oh hi

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TheMadCharles allegedly wrote:

There are many people like them (me included), they want to see more from Hedgewars and looks like lua coding is insufficient for everyone.

"for everyone" lol. Can you elaborate on that statement anyway?

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TheMadCharles allegedly wrote:

...is a direct reference to WA's Bungee...

Actually I hate Worms Armageddon. I played Worms+ and then switched to Worms Reloaded.

Have a melon.

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TheMadCharles allegedly wrote:

This is where Highlander originates from.

Actually, Highlander is based on Absorption Chess, where a capturing piece gains the movement abilities of the piece it captures.

Although I'm sure people enjoy the so-called "RPG elements", I'd have to agree with nemo that the main reason the mode is so popular is its (noob-friendly) randomness. Before gameplay scripts became prevalent the most popular mode was Crazy, where the erratic bounce of melons and balls often determined the winner. Then the most popular mode was Random Weapon. Following that, BRW. Finally Highlander came along and offered players a randomness that they could hold on to for more than one turn, as well as the fast-paced play that came along with "infinite attacks".

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can i add more ?


Highlander Takes all,,, wherever it come from, Moon ? Mars ? Toilet ?

Sorry,,, just boring to play high sometimes,,, but its is good,,,

and one more answer+ from me,,,
Maybe because it the Lazy's Core,,,
Who want to move from house to house ? playing Chess then go Basketball ?
I think it has "Lazyness"/"NO NEW ! This is good" Factor, which makes someone , if they was "Mastering" OR i say,,, Good at a mode, they know EVERY Rule of that mode has, was experienced, and was easier when they think about others mode makes them like to that chair, that glue chair though,,,
And maybe because they are "DON'T WANT LOSE" ,,, Why take some risk eh ? i good at High, when you invite me to another country ? no way, this the best i think, ( i wan't be beaten by noob)
And if you ask why others, who is newbie follow them ???
Yeah, i want to be a member of "Biggest Group" in the universe, they is cool, and have most member, why i should go alone ?
+++There is a thing like "Chain Reactions" , which is making something have bigger chance to occur again when someone do it,,, e.g : someone laughing makes "Laughing" has higher chance to occur, then someone else will laughing too,,, that is highlander does
One More thing,,, Who want to learning in school again after graduate from it ? yeah,,, LEARNING IS HARD IF IT IS NEW,,, I don't want to try Sometin' new guys,,, leave me here !!!

Damned me,,, sorry for that text of nonsense things

PS : If this thread decay (dead) ,,, i will copy my Bunch text for another purpose,,, ty


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