Fri, 2016-08-12 17:31
I´ve got an idea for a new main menu button:the handbook.The handbook could be accesed with a button with a book on it.It contains all weapons,scripts maptypes etc..It tells you how to play hedgwars in total with screenshots and suggestions.It could have the chapters Teams ,Maps
and Campaigns
.The chapters are exessable with the buttons in the index.
Very Good idea.
Information on how to play the game is cataloged here: http://www.hedgewars.org/wiki.html (Keep in mind it's work in progress so info may be out of date or missing entirely)
There really isn't any need to put it in the game.
Well, a button in game linking to the wiki would make it more discoverable.
Kinda like how DLC button ing game = http://hedgewars.org/content.html
It's been on the list of ideas that keeps coming up but no one gets around to doing.
A variant would be to export the wiki to static HTML as a fallback if the game didn't have internet access.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I always support proposals about improving in-game documentation.
I'm for stupid local static HTML built-in into the game, plus some basic navigation widgets in Qt, for categorization of the help entries. Basic HTML formatting is enough IMO, “fancy” stuff like JavaScript should be avoided to keep it simple (no need to reimplement a browser).
I'm against grabbing wiki pages directly from the net as the basic rules rarely change between versions and it introduces a point of failure.
The help could contain:
- Long weapon descriptions (can include the many “gotcha”s, like underwater cake walking)
- Object descriptions (barrels, targets, crates, graves, etc.)
- Hedgehogs
- Basic rules
- Customization (maps, schemes, etc.)
- Online play
- Controls and special controls (key combinations)
- Chat commands?
- Rules for game styles
- In general: Everything which is relevant to playing
What should not be contained:
- Troubleshooting
- How to install
- Technical infos
- How to create your own hat/flag/map/etc. (but external links may be OK)
This wiki is HORRIBLY out of date and is an awful mess. I do not recommend it as a reference work. It also a horrible technical mess and very hard to maintain. It is NOT fun to update pages here, which is why I don't do it.
Note there is also another “fan wiki” here: http://wiki.hedgewars.wohlnet.ru/wiki/Main_Page
This is not as much out of date, but also very incomplete.
If we include in-game help, then we would probably need to rewrite many texts. We could maybe copy some existing texts from the wikis, but only after a careful review and rewrite.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Nice ! XD
We need more Volunteers here,,,
i think the Developers (aw, not who is here now
Its up to us (i not included) now,,, Hope HW Survive for >100 Years
But i know somethin' must dyin' at a point,,, not yet
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