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User offline. Last seen 1 year 18 weeks ago. Offline
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I´m not quite sure, but i think aiming on hegewars mobile is different to PC aiming.On mobile you point to the point you wanna aim and then hold to control the speed,which is a handicap if you are playing vs. PC players,so I would suggest putting a mouse-aiming key into the game which changes from normal aim to the aim from pocket edition with the only difference that you use the mouse instead of the finger then.
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As far as I know that's not how you aim on mobile (I have never played the iOS version myself though).
From what I have seen you can only move the crosshair up and down, like on PC.
You can't just put your finger on your target.

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That's a relief. Otherwise, mobile players would have a serious advantage indeed.

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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

That's a relief. Otherwise, mobile players would have a serious advantage indeed.

Not really.

Because mobile versions of the game don't even support going online. There only are local game modes.

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Well, there's an online version, it's just really out of date

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