Hat missing

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User offline. Last seen 42 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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I have noticed some time ago that a hat is missing.The hat I am searching for is a hat where a lamp is tied to the face of a hog.You could see it in the 9.13 trailer at the scene where a hog does kami on the cake map.
Here can you watch the trailer Smile :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1Y_Pw_TtFo

sheepluva's picture
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Watched the trailer. Didn't see it. Timestamp?

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User offline. Last seen 42 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Sorry it was the 9.11 trailer,the scene with the kami again.
The hat more looks like a football hat now, there I watched it again.
You can watch the trailer here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0RYw52LnEo

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You mean at 1:30 ? Those hogs have the cyborg1 hat if I'm not mistaken.

Or do you mean the hedgehog left of those?

That one doesn't have a hat - the thing on his face is the attacking hog's crosshair... :P

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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User offline. Last seen 42 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Yes I mean the 1 between the kami guy and the left cyborg.

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Whoops. Frozen hog!

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That is sad.

User offline. Last seen 42 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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very sad Sad Smiley

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... im sorry Sad Smiley *+sad*


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