incompatible room versions

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User offline. Last seen 1 year 18 weeks ago. Offline
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I have got an idea how to avoid incompatible room versions.There could be a server log which removes new or changed features with different room versions.If there are different textures in different versions the textures are not gonna be changed.That means everyone has got his version textures.

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The only practical way to allow players on different versions to play each other would be if we built versioning into the game, and released multiple copies of the game engine and a versioned list of resources. It's not enough to simply ban certain files. Even slight changes in the engine would result in an incompatible simulation.
You would find this out pretty quickly if you forced a match between incompatible versions by a spoofed protocol number build.

It's doable, but a lot of trouble, so hasn't happened yet.
If you're interested in giving it a shot...

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Note that you can of course just install multiple versions of hedgewars on your system.
Wastes a bit of space and bandwidth, but that's cheap these days right?

Doing your own build means you can build (almost) any version. Saves on downloads too.

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i add simplified idea :

Want to avoid any "incompatible" problem ? do these :
1.Install Latest Hedgewars
2.Everyone must do this
3.Then done,,,
=.Nobody got "Incompatible Problem" now



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