Hedgewars Want Updating for Next or NOT ?
Mon, 2016-09-12 12:47
hi,,, hope my words has true fact at least 10%
I think there is some issue that say : "Hedgewars don't have any further Update" and,,, "NO TIME !!!,,, I mean there is no free time for HW These days"... i sad to hear it
That rumor i hear from one of HW Developer, not "A LONG TIME AGO", its about some Weeks Ago, or maybe more than a month,,,
just want to clear these Dark Clouds that make me confuse about, will it rain or not ?
Please Make me straight guys,,,
IF UPDATE EXIST,,, Maybe i could send my ugly ideas here for that NEXT UPDATE thingy,
( Yikes ! hope i make a right topic here ,,, if not,,, i'll delete this )
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Comment ? i want to comment myself but that could be ugly things :- can't
I've put these into comment part XD !
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I'm pretty sure there will be a new release within the next 3-4 months.
sheepluva <- me
my code stats ->
a Hedgewars Developer
click here to message me
Oh damned me XD
Thanks for the Clarifications,,,
The Developers itself answer this,,,
I happy hear it, at least New Version v0.9.23 will release NO MATTER WHAT RIGHT ?
And thanks for Stopping This Thread Too
I Thing this Problem is FULLY SOLVED (The Dev. itself answer it)
(Yikes ! never guess this post ended this fast !)
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