{NEW Weapons/Utility} |{()|( New Things Guys ? Vote !

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UltiMaxKom's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2016-06-26
Posts: 381

Hi Deagle! ,,,

I want to make New Post about "NEW WEAPONS AND UTILITIES",,,

Q : Why make NEW POST again ??? Do you blind ? there was a Topic about this in That Sticky Post dude !!!

A : For "Refresh Old Sticky Post" to "Up To Date" again,,, since there are many Hedgewars member was gone,,, i think that Sticky Post was Decaying, and ideas and votes are Hard to see for now, i mean because its Long-Way To Read,,, i think now we can simplify it, so please spoils your brains here for NEW WEAPONS/UTILITY TO THE NEW UPDATE !!! (Since my post about HW Update was answered by Sheepluva the HW Dev. before,,, UPDATE CONFIRMED)


btw,,, here is the link to The Sticky Post About New Weapons :


///CORE PS :
....."NO IDEA FOR COPY IT" : NO IMITATION Include,,, i don't copy idea from Sticky Post if exist,,, it maybe look same or familiar with the older idea,,, but maybe it was just accidentally look like same idea,,, if not, i will make it a note (read next),,,
....."Disclaimer" : if i pick and add ideas from Sticky Post about new weapon,,, i will make it well-noted if exist (and if i remember, read next),,,
....."Truth is Opened" : If old idea from Sticky post is applied/added here by ME, and i not give a note about it (note saying that is from Sticky Post),,, maybe i "Forget it" or "Forget to say it",,,

Want to see the original weapons/utilities ??? (it include my refreshing idea next update)
Here : http://www.hedgewars.org/node/6573

BTW,,, I Have list from my brains here,,,

WAIT ! oops ! i have no brains at all Big Grin

Symbols Descriptions :

# = Original
* = New Idea
"" = Descriptions
** = Group
*** = Category
/// = Local Post Scripts (Local PS)
()() = Universe

Whatever ! here it is :

UltiMaxKom's Little Brains allegedly wrote:

()() THE IDEAS !!! :
*** Weapons :
** "Not Shorted/Grouped"

* MORE TO COME Big Grin ,,, wait them,,, Refresh page if the work on the way, to see the result (update) refresh the page (F5),,,


/// Things Above is created at >= [x/x/x]



* MORE !!!




* Chainsaw ___ #This idea is suggested by hicsuntcavrones in Comment Section ___
"As the Idea Creator say, the Chainsaw used like blowtorch with shorter range, the catser will walk forward (always forward) for some short duration and short range to damage Enemy (not damage self or friendly) in DPS That increased as the enemy more long damaged by this,,, can grouping enemy that effectively used when enemy caught for longer time and more hogs at the same time,,, damage Barrel too..."

* Thog's Hammer "This is the Hammer of Thog,,, The Mytical God of Hogera, that was long forgotten, only the mightiest can handle the Hammer's Weight, but with Odig's crystal from the main temple of his, founded that can make the hammer can be thrown for once with a crystal that will destroyed after used,,, toss it to make it fly in line (no desired power),,, crush everything on his path,,, damage all hog with medium damage but blowing with high forces,,, it has Long maximum range, that when the hammer is reach it, the hammer will go up to the sky (it penetrates all, still apply damage and blow),,, but if hit land/wall, it will burst out thunder blast in medium AOE That damage hog (small-medium) and blow with high forces, after impact, it will fly to the sky like if exeed the maximum range,,, can't hit self or friendly, damage barrels and blow it too,,,"

/// Things Above is Created at >= [22/9/2016]

* Shuriken ___ #This idea is Suggested by Bappe in online play ___
"Come with times to use,,, Toss it with desired force,,, and it can curves as we toogle it with swap button (between line, curve low, curve high),,, go curve to bottom or below the normal line with fixed setting,,, can be effected by gravity (low-med) ,,, damage hog with medium damage but has no force,,, can't hit self but can friend, can damage barrels, and alternatively,,, can used to make stair,,,"

* Sword ___ #This idea is Suggested by Bappe in online play ___
"Sword ? what now ? thats it ! a Sword !!! this included to Ninja's Arsenal,,, it can be we can swing it 3 times,,, with small-medium damage and small-medium force,,, fun to use !!! can't hit self and friend,,, barrel immune to this,,,"

* Bowarrow ___ #This Idea is Suggested by Jessmaestro when i ask him,,, ___
"(Really named Bowarrow) Its a couple, a bow and its lovely arrows,,, come with some arrow types,,, like Fire Arrow that burns victim with DPS Withing Duration,,, or Poison Arrow that inflict poison to victim like other poisons sources (normal poison damage),,, even an Ice Arrow,,, it freeze victim for only a turn, or if its melted by some sources, it can be active again,,, you can add more arrow types if want Big Grin,,, this included to Ninja's Arsenal,,,"

* The Fatman "its ATOMIC !!! Yeah,,, but its was mini-atomic bomb that explode twice as Holy Sht Grenade do,,, deal high damage (Max),,, relative to the core range with victim,,, can hit self, friendly, and objects,,, damage the land big as half AOE,,, launch like bazooka but with more heavier to handle (gravity works bigger at the projectile),,,"

* Riptide "Call Riptides from both map side,,, its splash upon impact with walls/landmass above the water with fixed high,,, the splash are applying medium force to hog that get hit,,, and the main wave (main riptide before get impact) will make hog forced to get to the riptide opposite force direction (sucks hog to the riptide source) with high force, no damage, can hit self and friendly, repair barrel (low) and blow it with medium force, effect almost everythings,,, (maybe apply effects to hog like wind effect..."

* Sunburn "maybe you have guess it ?,,, create sunburn shower (visible, like wave down from the sky) that deal 1 damage every waves (the wave is effect very-small AOE) to hog,,, the wave count is relative to the map size, that can hit all surface the sun can hit,,, maximum damage is high amount,,, can't be reflected, hit self, friend and damage barrels (low),,, this does not damage land,,,"

/// Things Above is created at >= [20/9/2016]

* Late Beams "My Favorite Idea !!! simple but cool (relative) ! it coming with 5 phase : 1).A delay (1s) before the effect occur, it starting with a fire on the targeted point,,, 2).A Beam come out from above,,, starting from where the caster hog choose the targeted point (range to choose is limited (medium radius)),,, this beam sit there at his starting point for 2s,,, 3).After the delay, it moving forward to the caster and target point direction (the direction face from caster to targeted point),,, moving fast without applying anny damage or effect,,, This Beam Running on the highest land, i mean the landscape that the beam can hit on his track,,, 4).The moving beam reach its maximum range of effect, will disappear instantly,,, 5).Now the damage, after 2s after the beams disappear, rapid explosion occur from the beam starting point to the end of the beam track, that damaging (low - medium) all hog hit by it, while damaging landscape (low - medium) too, plus applying low - medium force to the victims, with a small - medium Damaging AOE,,, destroying it path till it reach its final destination ( PS : The Beams Explosions is following the Late Beams Track) ... ... ..."

* Acid Rain "Yup,,, acid rain will make acidic drop from a cloud that spawned by this weapon like an airstrike,,, but the cloud altitude is always same (regardless the target altitude),,, damage (very low - low) to hog hit by the acidic drop and blow them with little force, they will jumping too (like fire),,, this acid is used to destroy some land with big Deep,,, i mean,,, this rain EAT Thruough land !!! but not too damaging"

* Heatseeker "Launch this with desired power,,, the a Missile launched with heat-seeking ability.As the name says,,, it seeking the heat from its missile proximity (centered at the launched missile,,,) and will be locked and homing to a point that was being targeted as heat source,,, the priority to be the target is the most heat relative with other heat sources,,, heat sources is come from alive hog, and fire (is this can be implemented when in Hell Like Theme ??? maybe can,, we say it adjust like the enviromental temperature,,,),,, can't target self, friendly, and land object (we assume the land object is same temperature as the environment (or we asy the heat is blurring through the land and the object as well)),,, but can damage self or friendly,,, the explosion from the impact is damage (medium) hog within medium AOE and blow them with medium force,,,"

* Flakgun "A mini flak cannon for hog to use,,, #this idea i see in sticky post,,, i not know exactly what it does,,, i only know about spreading ,,, and yes, its spreading and detonate at a range (if the fixed range is reached,,, it WILL Explode automatically,,, dealing small-medium damage with small AOE But many projectile (45x) with 45' degrees of projectile max range (1' deg. interval)... blow hog with medium-high blow force, can't hit self, can hit friends, can reflected"

* X-Ray Shocker "A X-Ray blaster that fire a focus X-Ray to straight line then spread a bit when going farther,,, NOT EFFECTED BY WALLS/LAND, so the ray is go through the landscape till its gone,,, it deal same damage (medium) to all hog caught, regardless the range to the caster,,, it blow hog with medium forces to back,,, can't hit friendly, or be reflected by rubber"

* Chaotiz "Call me chaos,,, it a grenade with Devil's power to summon unpredictable effects,,, upon exploded,,, it randomly pick 5 small effects to random directions, or 3 medium effects, or 1 big effects,,, can't spawn effect from a weapon or utility that categorized as *Omega or *Ultimate class (i not yet make the class group, wait till the list is completed),,, i assure you, this Devil's grenade can be your favorites !!! :D"

* Comet "Call a comet to the targeted area,,, it randomly hit a point that close to the targeted one (the choosen point is not always be the impact point (the AOE Of impact point is appear in Medium Radius (targeted point is the centre))),,, it damages (relative to the core range that have big damage) (core point have big damage (maximum)) all hog within Big AOE That will be blowed away with powerful force as the hog is closer to the comet impact centre, big land damage with crater-like shape,,, can hit self/friendly, can't be reflected

* Buckshot "Shot with aimed (guns) target,,, and launching many shrapnel with great spread when the target point is more farther,,, i mean, farther the hit point, it gone more spreading away,,, unlikely with #shotgun/*spreadgun,,, its damage hog with greater amount as the hog is closer, father the target making the damage smaller,,, Maximum Damage is high (the closest range can be),,, and the unique thing too is those shrapnel is bounces if the target is close (half the maximum to minimum damage range),,, can reflected"

* Pineapple "This is the MOST CLUSTERING WEAPON In the game !!! release (MOST) MANY (50) Fragment that damage (very low) hog if hit by the impact, and with Very small land damage, but THIS IS THE MOST SMALLEST EXPLOSION in the game that was spread within Large AOE Radius,,, blow with very low force and can hit self/friend"

* The Plague "This is an instant effect that applying Poison damage (Damage is same with the SD HP Lost per turn option) with no blow force every turns, like SD Poisons effects that occur,,, applied to EVERY Hog in the map include the Invulnerable,,, include self"

* Explode-A-Tron "Like the "Chain Reactions", it change the size as the time,,, but it placed and exploded at a fixed time (no customization available (and the time delay is short(3s ?)))... it is a big rapid random spawned blast (within maximum effect range) with many (20x (1x explosion per 0.2s) explosions with a big size at the initial (first time explode (same as Chain Reactions maximum size)) ,,, then going decreased the size within a duration till it disappear,,, these explosion are many, exploding rapidly with the same size and damage (low to higher damage) that was relative with core to victims range (Damage is reduced as the victim get farther from explosion core) to hog that get in the AOE That going smaller as the time,,, blowing with low force each explosions, land damage is half the explosion/AOE Size,,, the random explosion point is spread within maximum range of effect that was smaller than the Chain Reaction,,, can hit self and friend"

* Railgun/Coilgun "Like the Railgun in the real live,,, it accelerate with Insta-Like speed,,, we see it like a supersonic projectile penetrate all things (include rubber),,, it lined perfectly to "A Map Long",,, damage (high) hog but have no blow force upon impact,,, yeah, this is the SPEED MEAN !!!"

/// Things Above is created at >= [15/9/2016]

* Volcano "Place Instantly, bursting within a delayed time, bigger as the time (within delayed time), and when the size at its peak,,, it explode and shooting many lava stones to the air and efected by gravity, hitting hog deal initial damage (low-medium) and deal DPS after it (very low),,after the blast, the volcano still there, blocking like land, can hit self or friend,,, (the volcano's burst can be blocked if a land or obstacles at its peak/hole block its burst)"

* Beehive "Place Instantly, active with delayed time, it sentry and attack when hog come at proximity range, attack fast with small damage with its bee army, blow a bit, not attacking self but can friendly,,, disappear within duration (no turn effect)"

* Zapper "Zap chaining from hog to hog with small damage, it jump from one to another within fixed range, this range can't hit hog through walls/land,,, chain jump = 2x hog within zap range, no blow, can't hit self or friendly"

* Hailstorm "Call Hailstorm from the sky (Instant use),,, impact at hog make instant blow force (medium) and medium damage at it, damage land (medium),,, the hail counted relative with land size,,, randomly appear, and come one by one from above"

* Firestorm "Instant effect one button,,, make a Firestorm come and at delayed time it makes many flames sprites upon the land (it appear instantly on the land, but one by one),,, the fire duration is medium, like napalm but little bit longer,,, these fire sprites spawn at random point, and spawned double as napalm do (the counted of fire sprites = 2xnapalm),,, the fire deal same damage as other flames"

* Acidic Chemical "Acid, like it says, This acid eat through land (high land damage), object, instantly explode barrel, not make hog jump, no blow force, applied within AOE, splashing upon impact, deal DPS (Low damage) Till the Acid gone, disappear within given duration, throw with fixed power choosen,,, can hit self/friend"

* Boomerang "Boomerang do medium damage when hit hog, hit multiple hog with same damage (low - medium) and same blow (medium force), the boomerang back to the caster (place) after certain distance or hit walls/land, after it already back to the caster point, the boomerang can be effected by gravity, then it fall,,, can hit self, i mean, can hit the caster/who throw it,,, the returning boomerang pick bottom way,,, i mean, boomerang will return from bottom of the first throw lane"

* Ion Blaster "Massive Energy Burst is this,,, It come with a couple ion beam from above, that couple beam move from its start point, that start point was left side (far) of the targeted area for one of the beam, and another beam from the right side (far too) of the targeted area,,, they come closer each other (slower as they get closer), and within a planned time, they come to one place (the targeted area) for the Explosion,,, then BLAST !!! Energy burst damage (medium-big) all hog within AOE, The Damage is SAME Wherever the victim was in that AOE, Dealed same as much as other hog do,,, and deal Much Blow Force too,,, the BLAST POINT Is exploded at the Land of targeted area that the laser can hit (the highest within targeted area vertical line), regardless of the targeted area altitude,,, can hit Self, and Friend,,, NOT DAMAGE LAND"

* Chain Reactions "Implosion within the impact of this bomb (throw it !), a sec after it throwed, it explode rapidly (spawned within maximum effect spawn range) with many counted (20x (1x explosion per 0.2s) with changing size of AOE ,,, the implosion deal same damage (low) to hog and damage land with the half of implosions size as the implosions occurs, the AOE And Implosions radius increased and got bigger as the time say (Small size to bigger size),,, AOE Does effect damage (Main damage get decreased as the victim range get longer to the implosion core), with same core damage regardless the size (different than Explod-A-Tron), But the Blast point that randomly spread through the maximum blast range (the explosion is spreading in this maximum range) Is very big (bigger than Explode-A-Tron) with same explosion size at maxsimum (ending) with Explod-A-Tron Initial explosion blast,,, disappear after the duration,,, can hit self, friend too"

* Laser Battery "Laser battery shot from all direction of victim with certain range, its hit with 1 damage but 180 times, all shot will be blocked if an obstacle between it (target and the laser battery ordinance (details : victim shooted by laser from 360' 180 times (1 HP Damage) (with 2' degrees interval between laser strike point) degress with planned range)),,, very low land damage each laser"

* Cannonball "Impact very hard, no power to choose, Has VERY High Blow Impact, but medium Damage, no AOE, One Impact, if impact to land,,, the Cannonball got bouncing (low) and the land damaged (low),,, the bounce then it sliding,,, can push hog with massive weight (very high force),,, after it not moving again,,, it become an object (like cleaver) that VERY Hard to moved,,,"
* SOAB "SOAB = Son Of All Bomb , and obviously not SOAP ! ... Its was a Thermobaric bomb,,, dropped by a big plane with very high altitude then exploded above the target with planned altitude,,, Dealing damage (medium) to ALL Hogs hit by its Shockwave and all of them will be pushed with Very Strong Force !!!, can hit self, and friendly,,, no land damage"

* Hellfire "Get burned once, burned forever !!! deal DPS (in this case, DPT (T = Turn) With #% of Current HP"

* The Nuke "Maybe this is exist in sticky post, dunno (i not read it all),,, its work as Second the most Ultimate weapons !!! Launched from underwater by a submarine (we can see it) then it will explode from afar, close to the background, then ? KABOOM !!! One Button for FULL MASS-DESTRUCTIONS !!! All Hog Gone to Death, DRAW Confirmed !,,, destroy the entire Land-Mass"

* Divine's Will "THIS IS THE REAL ULTIMATE !!! It was a Finger,,, Transparant finger (only a finger we can see),,, it diving from the Heavens to the targeted point (it must hit our hog, if someone eles ? that hog will win, if it touch the ground ? Nothing happened) ,,, if it touch the target point, all hog except the target (if it was a hog, and if land is touched, nothing happened) WILL GONE INSTANTLY !!! One button to instantly kill all of enemy's hogs,,, WIN Confirmed"

*** Utilities :
** "Not Shorted/Grouped"


/// Things Above is created at >= [x/x/x]




* Mind-Swap "Attach this to an enemy hog (or friendly hog),,, to make your next turn to use it and the enemy can't use the controlled hog, instead they use the hog you use to swap the mind between victim and his mind,,, this just like swap your hot to other hog,,,"

* Timelock "Touch enemy hog with this to make the victim get locked in a time, making it lose the time without realize that he has pass time and space, when the victim taking his turn, the victim lose 25% of his starting turn time,,, does not stack"

* Tauntpack "Tauntpack decrease the armor (or say it, amplify damage taken by 10% each hog) of nearby enemy within AOE (Medium),,, does not end turn, and does not stack,,, can't hit self or friend,,,"

* Global Warming "Global warming make the water level rise, rise as the SD Water level rise too,,, can used anytime,,,"

* Statis Trap "A trap that release burst of Static Energy that make hogs hit in its prximity (medium) can't move or immobilize for three turn range, when after 3 turns the effected hog not yet take its turn, the effect gone, if it take his turn, the effect counted as maximum 3 but can be fewer than 3, its like duration,,, this trap will explode after a hog within its proximity radius (small-medium (this detonating proximity is smaller than the AOE)),,, can't effect self or friendly,,, no damage and not effect barrel, but make mines harder to move within the duration if effected,,,"

* Smoke Bomb "This Smoke Bomb can used to make fog that block enemies visions, has Large AOE That if get deeper of the core, the fog get more intesity (get farther from fog core make it more transparant or less visible),,, the fog only effect enemy's vision, so your team is still can see their hog, i mean, the team throw the smoke boomb can see his own hog even in the fog, and the ally too,,, not effect self and friend,,, use for defense,,,"

* Laughing Gas ___This idea is Suggested by Bappe,,, in Online play, lol___
"throw it then after impact, it will release gas (AOE And some pro[erties is just like Old Limburger), the Laughing Gas,,, The gas released i like the poison gas, just its with Yellow colour,,, hog that effected will miss their turn after effected by it, only one turn (must get miss a turn),,, but has no damage modifications (like the ice),,, can hit self and friendly,,, (frozen hog maybe can be eater egg after hit by this ? lolz !)"

* EMP ___ #This idea is Suggested by Beppe,,, but i has that idea before, just forget to add before he say it___
"This is EMP,,, and its mean "ElectroMagnetic Pulse",,, this is EMP Bomb that dropped by special Plane that carry Technologies only weaponry (hope devs make it),,, it Burst after it has a fixed (short) distance to the land before impact,,, the burst deal no damage but "Disarm" all hog caught within the AOE of it (Medium-Big),,, disarming hog for 1 turns, the disarm effect will be disappear after the hog's turn,,, can hit self and friend, damage barrels (normal),,, and also disable Mines in AOE from exploding, for 2 turns after effected,,,"

/// Things Above is created at >= [22/9/2016]

* Flasher "A flash bomb that tossed with a customized fuse,,, make all hog within its large AOE To Dizzy, they will moving (walking) around left or right, randomly switch between left or right (in detail, the effected hog will move automatically in the duration to left or right, randomly switched overtime), last for 3s,,, can effect self and friendly, no damage but has small blow,,,"

* Excavator "Mass tunneling utility,,, tunneling with triple times width as blowtorch do but have no damage and no blow,,, but not end turn"

* G-Tech "A gravity manipulation device,,, place instantly,,, apply effect to anything include hog to get more light or heavier in its AOE,,, No relative effect, that make anything effected has a same effect as the other takes,,, can be toggled between Increase Gravity or Decrease Gravity,,, last for 3 turns,,,"

* Magenetic Beacon "Place instantly, a beacon with Magnetic fields that can be witched between to attract or repel something,,, the effect applied within Medium AOE That get stronger when get closer,,, only effect metal things but not include the fast weapon such guns or railgun,,, can be destroyed or moved, have 100 HP Like normal hog,,, have a duration that last for 3 turns,,, get lost its power (not disappear) if the duration ends,,, this idea is from Worms, just change the name"

* Beer "Simply, a bear,,, toss it to a hog to make it get confuse,,, when it attack or using somethin,,, the angle and power got the effect, the angle is moving slightly and the power too, either lowered or increased,,, applied at the next turn and last for a turn,,, can suggest to change its name"

* Strengthion "A potion that when use make user can continue turn even take damage (but the damage still the same), jump higher and longer, and can't be moved if get blown by a force... not end turn"

* Eye of Sauron "Use this to make trajectory of weapon and utility can be seen, weapon trajectory (e.g bazooka's launch and where it will be hit,,, such powerful utility) last for one turn,,, not end turn"

* Blazer "Use this to make ALL Of your weapon make fire if contact with lands,,, a normal fire sprites that have short-medium duration (longer a bit than napalm) with normal damage will apply every places the weapon hit (cake make fire on its track),,, one turn effect duration... not end turn"

* Inner Power "Use this instantly,,, and make blow forces to all direction of the caster with medium force power in Small-Medium AOE,,, No damage and not effect friendly, barrels, mines, or others,,, only effect hogs (this is like the enemy of seduction)"

* Telekinesis "Use this to move something (not your self) to somewhere else, drag it with crosshair, can make it fly,,, but this has a limit, like fuel in UFO, Etc ,,, can move hogs too Smile,,, this idea is look like KoBeWi's idea about fishing rods, credit to him too"

* Bunker "Use by placing it on a land,,, make a shelter of bunker that will be created automatically after its landing perfectly ,,, destroy the land first then make a bunker with metal shield and rubber for the outside,,, the bunker size is medium like 1 girder x 1 girder area, with round shape and a door that we can enter by only our team, that if not, it will be locked and if the user team close to it, it will be oppened (the door is from rubber), the door is where we choose it from the placement availability (like girder),,, this bunker can hold up to 5 hogs if there,,, not end turn"

* Phoenix's Feather "A Mystique feather that belong to a phoenix,,, used to revive self after death,,, can used once every hog,,, can't more than one time used in a match,,, it automatically revive hog who have activate it first,,, revive caster with only 50% HP Of the time that caster use this,,, hog who activate Phoenix's Feather will have a symbol on their graves for sign, this sign can't be seen by enemy of this hog,,, the revive is occur a turn after user is dead, so the enemy takes the turn if nobody left in the team of user,,, if the team of user have one more hog after the user dead,,, it will take the turn, not end turn"

* Stimpack "This Stimpack will effect the user speed of moving, jumping, roping, and other activity include poo, increase speed by 50% for all aspect, like drugs right ?
,,, last for one turn in the time user use this,,, but this also have negative effects, that increase damage taken by 20% for the duration and 10% damage taken after the duration (plus effect end) for one turn. not end turn"

* Depleted Pluhoginium "Plant instantly on the front of caster,,,A Pluhoginium that was already depleted so it can be used in the battle without harming the user,,, but ! this Pluhoginium was able to radiate Hogma wave that can slow down the hog in its proximity range that will be effected by higher slow down effect as the hog come closer,,, the slow down effect is relative with the target's distance from the planted Plugoninium cote,,, maximum slow down effect is 50% of current ability to move (include rope speed),,, can be destroyed if it reached 50 damage total like hog HP, after destroying, it release poisons cloude as normal,,, can't effect self but can friend"

/// Things Above is created at >= [18/9/2016]

* Gravity Well "A Well,,, with deep Gravity that suck you in,,, with a large radius,,, it attract all hog in that AOE With a powerful force,,, can effect self, friendly, barrels, and other objects... after it sucks duration is expired,,, all hog effected again to the normal gravity,,, this utility used like girder,,, played then start the delay that when expired make the effects,,, its fun :D"

/// Things Above is created at >= [15/9/2016]

* Tranquilizer "Make someone to fall Asleep ? shot him with this ! (Sleep for one of his turn, effect lost if attacked)"


///PS : My Work of new ideas (new ideas that i mean was from my own brains,,, if there a same idea or its familiar/look like this,,, its just Accidentally happened, no Imitations, if it was exist and was added by me,,, i'll make the note for it (If i not forget (READ THE CORE PS))


Please Comment these, AND PUT YOUR IDEA TOO !!!
NEXT UPDATE COMING SOON (See my Post about HW Update, here : http://www.hedgewars.org/node/6548)

///PS (Replay) : As above says, my work of this list is Under its Way, maybe that list will be updated again and again,,, with the bottom was the oldest idea and upper side was the latest idea...

Ok, i finish with spamming here,,, comment ??? Love Eyes!


╓──────────────────╖ ╓──────────────────╖
⠀HP: ██████████ 1E9/1E91E9/1E9 ██████████ :MP
╙──────────────────╜ ╙──────────────────╜

KoBeWi's picture
User offline. Last seen 15 hours 24 min ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-12-25
Posts: 565

I made a topic once with some weapon ideas, you might want to read it: http://www.hedgewars.org/node/2673

From what devs said about new weapons/utilities, they do read the suggestions, but it's hard to implement them all, or these ideas don't play well in game.
This makes me wish there was a way to easily add your own weapons into game, like with scripts and distribute them via packages like normal creations. AFAIK, LUA scripting right now only allows to modify currently existing weapons. I haven't tried it yet, but that sounds quite limiting.

About your ideas UMK, some of them are quite interesting. Some of them sound like easy to code and give unique behavior, like Beehive or Buckshot.

UltiMaxKom's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2016-06-26
Posts: 381

Dude ? you really make me proud of my mother and my father !!!
but really,,, i very happy reading "a" comment here,,, im my odd post,,,

KoBeWi allegedly wrote:

I made a topic once with some weapon ideas, you might want to read it: http://www.hedgewars.org/node/2673

Nice idea !!! could better than me (fishing rod is wow idea that i can't thinking about)

Amaterasu ??? Is this Hedgeruto ? Big Grin
hehe,,, we have a same idea too ("*Hellfire"),,, its burn Black too,,, like amaterasu but its modern way,,,

lol about sheepluva with the nemo's quote

and about being ignored,,, i waiting for developers see my ideas that maybe get into the list of suggestion,,,

KoBeWi allegedly wrote:

From what devs said about new weapons/utilities, they do read the suggestions, but it's hard to implement them all, or these ideas don't play well in game.
This makes me wish there was a way to easily add your own weapons into game, like with scripts and distribute them via packages like normal creations. AFAIK, LUA scripting right now only allows to modify currently existing weapons. I haven't tried it yet, but that sounds quite limiting.

Buddy ? i only coding for the last time in WC3 TFT, and SC2 WoL,,, That i was forget about (its not a .Lua programming),,, idk .Lua Scripting (i tried it at Worms for editing weapons to be such nighmare,,, and its works !!! but not coding from the scratch,,, im just editing not making),,, maybe that coding things is impossible for me :'(

You can do it Smile
I Make the idea, another people make the real implementation,,,

KoBeWi allegedly wrote:

About your ideas UMK, some of them are quite interesting. Some of them sound like easy to code and give unique behavior, like Beehive or Buckshot.

Seriously,,, im very appreciate what you've say,,, very Big Grin

Btw,,, Its NOT FULL LIST GUYS (YET):d...
I'll beat your idea in that post ! hehe,,, maybe just a dream,,,
Possible !!!

***i like to add "Kamui Eyeball" to my list,,, or some "Edo Tensei" ??? thats maybe be nice,,, would you let me add them ? (im need a reply, hehe, im annoying in this forum)


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UltiMaxKom allegedly wrote:
Buddy ? i only coding for the last time in WC3 TFT, and SC2 WoL,,, That i was forget about (its not a .Lua programming),,, idk .Lua Scripting (i tried it at Worms for editing weapons to be such nighmare,,, and its works !!! but not coding from the scratch,,, im just editing not making),,, maybe that coding things is impossible for me :'(

You can do it Smile

No, I didn't mean that you should do it XD I said I'd like to see this feature in Hedgewars, that's it.
I could try to make it myself, but sadly, I can't compile the game code. I don't want to litter my Windows with all the necessary software, and on Linux I can't resolve all dependencies Annoyed

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Kobewi, what's your linux distro?

Also, FWIW, from our building on linux page:

While the debian/ubuntu minimal list is:
sudo apt-get install mercurial cmake g++ qt4-qmake libqt4-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-net-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev liblua5.1-dev fpc libphysfs-dev fonts-dejavu-core ttf-wqy-zenhei

If you're on 0.9.23 that really boils down to qt4, sdl2, fpc, libphysfs, sdl1.2 on 0.9.22. So..

We bundle our own lua and fonts and physfs still, so it isn't totally necessary to use the system one.
That kinda suggests for trunk, assuming you had a copy of the source, the bare minimum set on some random distro would be:

cmake g++ qt4-qmake libqt4-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-net-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev fpc

Or the distro equiv of those.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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KoBeWi allegedly wrote:

Debian Wheezy.

https://packages.debian.org/wheezy-backports/hedgewars I guess you could use their source package for this then.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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So... I wanted to install HW from this package, but I wanted to remove previous installation I had on my Debian. I don't know how but... I accidentally uninstalled everything Hiding

Good news is that on fresh and clean system I was able to enable backports and compile the game following the instructions from HWKB.

However, I can run the frontend, but game crashes with exit code 217 when I try to start a round Sad Smiley

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KoBeWi allegedly wrote:
No, I didn't mean that you should do it XD I said I'd like to see this feature in Hedgewars, that's it.
I could try to make it myself, but sadly, I can't compile the game code. I don't want to litter my Windows with all the necessary software, and on Linux I can't resolve all dependencies Annoyed

Sleepy Smiley !
Lol me Annoyed ,,, i think it was,,, nvm, Frozen hog!

btw, guys,,, thanks about filling this post,,, about these system compilations and HW Source Code Packages,,,

and that VERY Supporting this post tho,,, seriously, i very appreciate ANYthings Big Grin,,,



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Guys ??? is we running out if "Interest" for this game ???

WhoHasATumb(W.H.A.T Program) allegedly wrote:

sorry,,, just wondering why "NOBODY" Like my post here ??? btw its not 100% USELESS (it used for 0.1%)!!! This one was talking about what weapon you'd like to see_v2,,, is we gone our spirits now ? or i wrong ? i see the past generation of Hegewars Member was "Full Spirit" for new things about their lovely games, this Hedgewars,,, they are VERY Interested for something they would see next, new weapon sticky post is VERY Full with comment, suggestion, critics, and many more that Overflow the post itself, thanks for the Open Developers,,, Hedgewars Comic Overwhelm the story of Hedgewars for the whole way until now, thanks to Star and Moon,,, New Post Overdose the forum daily feed, until now, thanks to the creator of those post,,, and many more, until now,,, thanks to everyone,,, HOPE Im wrong about "Until Now", HOPE I wrong about "We Running Out of Interest", HOPE I Wrong about "What I Think" now,,, and HOPE I wrong about the "Change" of this generation and older generation,,, HOPE I REALLY MISS What i thinking of,,, AND I HOPE I was not really used here as 0.1% part of us,,, just want to make myself useful here just for 1%, thats surely enough for me,,,

is my speech is good ? Big Grin
Happy Grasshopper still here ^^

"c'mon ! don't pee on yourself |{ !!! you just comment your OWN Post dude !!! wake up ! Wake Up Alan !!! eh, i mean |{ !!!"



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a Chainsaw? it should work this way: the hog can walk for some centimetres (like the tunnel) holding it and can also group the hogs he mets during the walk. Damage depends on time the enemy is under attack

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hicsuntcavrones allegedly wrote:

a Chainsaw? it should work this way: the hog can walk for some centimetres (like the tunnel) holding it and can also group the hogs he mets during the walk. Damage depends on time the enemy is under attack

Hmmm,,, good one Big Grin !!!
i not thinking about it,,,
but this should be suggested too...

This is Unique too,,, Good job ! i should add this Big Grin
Another ? we here got many spaces here to spoiling your brains and ideas Big Grin



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