Who is Youtubers Arounds Here ??? Hands Up Please :D

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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Like the title says,,,
Who is Youtubers Arounds Here ??? Darth Vader!

i have an idea about that one,,,
idea to make Hedgewars Shines Upon Once More !!! Flying Saucer Hedgehog

maybe the idea i simple,,, judge it :

We need guy that can manage Youtube,,, i mean, upload videos into Youtube with great work,,,

We need that "guy" to upload videos to Youtube about Hedgewars,,, good quantity and NEW !

We need to share it though the Internet !!! like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ETC That can be the starting point to increase popularity again,,,

END ??? nah !!! NO END !!! Its still, still there are MANY Other ways to increase popularity of Hedgewars right ??? and this one must continued even has to strp three,,, repeat from SECOND and so go on,,,

--- I know this idea sounds old and LOGICALLY Can be made by SOMEONE ELSE Right ???
lets do it ? but NOTE : I don't have Facebook, Twitter, ETC,,,
and NOTE+ : I don't have friend that are Youtubers


So ? Please response this post nicely Big Grin
i respecting every critic, comment, complain, idea, or ANYTING except Spam,,,
put them below Cake :



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Lyberta's picture
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I don't like Youtube because it's owned by Google and Google is a really terrible company. I was unable to register because they do not allow people from Tor and VPN.

UltiMaxKom's picture
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FaTony allegedly wrote:

I don't like Youtube because it's owned by Google and Google is a really terrible company. I was unable to register because they do not allow people from Tor and VPN.

Google is a really terrible company ???
idk about that rumors,,,
please correct the rumor in my minds Big Grin how it can be explained,,,

hmmm,,, any other Video sources ??? i ask about upload them to youtube because Youtube is one of the famous amongs the best for upload videos for popularity,,, maybe i wrong (idk,,, i not "Up-To-Date" guys,,, seriously) ???

if other way exist,,, please warn me,,,
if this is the best,,, "WE" Looking someone that "CAN" (in this case,,, the guys not using Tor and VPN Or other Youtube Problems,,,) ,,,

Respectively,,, thank you ^^



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Lyberta's picture
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UltiMaxKom allegedly wrote:

Google is a really terrible company ???
idk about that rumors,,,
please correct the rumor in my minds Big Grin how it can be explained,,,

Google's main source of income is advertisements. It's enough to prove that it's a terrible company. Google now runs many services (Gmail, Drive, w/e) that are used to mine data about their users and give it to 3rd party companies and government agencies like NSA.

Also Google is giving money to Eyeo - the owner of AdBlock Plus - to whitelist their ads which means people who use ABP with default configuration still see ads from Google.

Youtube is a monopoly which means it can be terrible and nobody will complain because there are no alternatives. Youtube uses ContentID to mark proprietary content and punish people for uploading videos even if they are fair use. Recently, YT has made harsh "ad-friendly content" policy which is used to censor videos and block ad revenue... But anyone who turns on ads on their channel is no better than Google.

UltiMaxKom's picture
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FaTony allegedly wrote:

UltiMaxKom allegedly wrote:

Google is a really terrible company ???
idk about that rumors,,,
please correct the rumor in my minds Big Grin how it can be explained,,,

Google's main source of income is advertisements. It's enough to prove that it's a terrible company. Google now runs many services (Gmail, Drive, w/e) that are used to mine data about their users and give it to 3rd party companies and government agencies like NSA.

Also Google is giving money to Eyeo - the owner of AdBlock Plus - to whitelist their ads which means people who use ABP with default configuration still see ads from Google.

Youtube is a monopoly which means it can be terrible and nobody will complain because there are no alternatives. Youtube uses ContentID to mark proprietary content and punish people for uploading videos even if they are fair use. Recently, YT has made harsh "ad-friendly content" policy which is used to censor videos and block ad revenue... But anyone who turns on ads on their channel is no better than Google.

in that case,,, right,,, google do many way to improve "Advertisement" power through "Those" little dirt,,, and i "Does Not Like Ads Fill My Laptop's Little Tiny Screen About $ Things" (well,,, you may right,,, because i don't have money),,, +Plus (this is Plus with +) : i don't want be shared to goverment !!! my data is privacy (is that about my little devil cats ??? or my little room ??? nvm) !!! and my privacy is not to be shared to the world (hope no one know i hide here, i don't want to be Superstar again !!!),,,

i dunno "Some" of that facts,,, wait ! maybe because i was not care about those "Dirty Hands" of em' ,,, i just use their things,,, i get the full profit here,,, and Google can't force me to pay Deagle! Flying Saucer Hedgehog ,,, Dr.Sim Says "Please mind your own business,,, hey ! by the way, what are you doing ? please let me take a look... (Dr.Sims leave the toilets (for women (this going strange-errrrr)))"

but well,,, you're right,,, do we have any place to land some videos except Youtube ? no, no offense, this is serious, other way please, that can be seen at global range though,,,

but wait !!! do you say "... nobody will complain because there are no alternatives ..." ??? hope i read wrong text here (is that possible ?),,, sorry for it :'( had a Heartattack by now, Aaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!! help !!! Someone !!! ... ... ... Tut Tut Tut ... -CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED- Server : "Please insert a coin to continue... ... ..."

Server : "Thanks ^^ ,,, i appreciate a response though"
Server : "This Thread is SERIOUS !!! NO JOKING AROUND !!! Please Note that, the searching for video uploader is SERIOUS !!!"



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incidentally on competitive twitch.tv don't have any videos about hedgewars

Wuzzy's picture
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I agree that YouTube sucks. But I think the point of this thread if there are any people who created some nice gameplay footage (in video form) of Hedgewars.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

UltiMaxKom's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

I agree that YouTube sucks. But I think the point of this thread if there are any people who created some nice gameplay footage (in video form) of Hedgewars.

VOTE WUZZY 200% !!!

How about it guys ?
Someone can be a YouTuber or any Video Maker for Hedgewars Popularity Warrior ?
Launch several Videos of Gameplay Footage or any other Fanart which can boost Hedgewars is really appreciated for us, i think...

Clearly, this Thread pointing like what Wuzzy say Big Grin


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Lyberta's picture
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I can capture some more ridiculous videos about my mods but I don't think people are interested in seeing maps being blown up with a single shot.

UltiMaxKom's picture
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FaTony allegedly wrote:

I can capture some more ridiculous videos about my mods but I don't think people are interested in seeing maps being blown up with a single shot.

What ?
OFC Everyone like Destruction [Exclude : my Mom] !!!

And its not wrong just to Upload them Right Big Grin ???
Just try, the Result is not the Most Important, the things is just : Trying Big Grin

And OFC i believe it on you Big Grin


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