Right,,, we need to fix MANY Problem around Hedgewars Mobile,,,

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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hi,,, why i make this post ??? (asking to myself) Aghh

i made the post because want to ask Respected Devs,,,
about the next update will fix those pile of tons problems ??? hope there are no more of them Smile

btw,,, my friend here want to playing Hedgewars in his Mobile,,, BUT ! The icons is SMALL and Airstrike and etc,,,
then ? he moved to Worms in Mobile Sad Smiley

this maybe being the start of this post,,, Sleepy Smiley

i sending massage through this post,,,
Please make Hedgewars Friendly in mobile too Big Grin

ok,,, if you have feedback, suggestions, complain, comment, or ANY except bad Spam,,, please respon if i right or wrong,,, hope i very Wrong ^^



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Dat_Boi's picture
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As you know, Hedgewars was originally a computer game, but all great games branch out to other devices. But as UltiMaxKom states, I too have noticed small bugs.
I know there are two Hedgewars(es), one for Ipad and one for Tablet (Mine)
On mobile, anyway Smile
Here are some small bugs:
--Larger icons (Both versions)
--the airstrikes and Homing bee don't work (Tablet version)
--NO HATS Sad Smiley (Tablet version)
--No maps except for Earthrise; not that Earthrise is not cool Smile (Tablet version)
--Though I don't know what it does; the download button does not do anything (Tablet version)
Thank you for reading my comment and thanks UltiMaxkom for the post Big Grin

Oh man waddup

JaredGotGame's picture
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For Android huh?
I know dude I had high hopes for hedgewars but I only play "Worms" on android
So... unless there's a dev lying around there's nothing we can do...

nemo's picture
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The last functioning Android build is this one:
that is the gang garrison APK.

Find us an Android dev to maintain!

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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I have tried myself, real problem is try to compile Freepascal for android..

nemo's picture
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There are prebuilt versions of pascal. Also at this point, unc0rr's pas2c is an option as well.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

zargul's picture
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I just tried hedgewars android alpha yesterday. Obviously prototypical. You guys are losing market to Minetest (which has a supposed-to-not-be-alpha mobile version). Apple hedgewars is less prototypical, but has many problems. WILL HEDGEWARS EVER COME TO MOBILE?!

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Wuzzy's picture
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You guys are losing market to Minetest

Well, tough luck, then! I don't consider Minetest to be an enemy, by the way. Wink Smiley

As long we have no serious developers for mobile devices, the mobile version is going to suck. That's the simple sad truth.

I basically have to repeat what nemo said: Find us an Android developer.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

zargul's picture
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Checklist of life item 49,768: find hedgewars mobile developer.

Seriously. How should I go about recruiting? I suppose I could try my church group. Maybe, like, post a request on Fakebook?

PS: have returned to this forum entirely forgetting i ever posted to it. I know why wuzzy does not consider minetest an enemy.

May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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Checklist of life item 49,768: find hedgewars mobile developer.

Seriously. How should I go about recruiting? I suppose I could try my church group. Maybe, like, post a request on Fakebook?

PS: have returned to this forum entirely forgetting i ever posted to it. I know why wuzzy does not consider minetest an enemy.

Edit: what happened? I clicked the button and the page didn't change, then i clicked it again and i find i've posted twice.

May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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zargul, in a despairing voice, allegedly wrote:


May God be with you, Always.

zargul's picture
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Bother. This button response thing is getting more complicated.

Edit: I posted an over-zealous reply to something UltiMaxCom said on the paoth comic thread, and since then no one but SaM and me have said anyhting there. Also, all the other threads I'm watching have lain dormant. This could be just because I'm watching obscure threads, the new hedgewars release, or (my concern) that I have dissed everyone. I have removed the post, but is there something else I can do?

PS: I've sent a few pms too, but with no response.

May God be with you, Always.

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