Tue, 2016-09-20 14:33
Alright guys! I'm going to try to add a new post every week. So, for this weeks post, answer the following question: Which hats do you like the best? What do YOU decorate you hog warriors with?
Oh man waddup
Hats remind me of Team Fortress 2 and I really hate TF2 so I don't use hats.
My stuff
why ? (longer post topic eh ?)
i vlike hat,,, well,,, CENCORED (seriously,,, its cencored (black things cover the hog's face though (and more seriously,,, its cencored))) !!! THE BLACK DEMON KING IS RETURN FROM FOULFELL !!! HELL OF HELL !!! (Im getting weird these days XD)
is a doctor has come ???
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Hmmm... I'd say my favorite hats are the mustache (reminds me of pink sheep
) and the terminator glasses. The terminator glasses give the simple message: Come at me bro! XD Next weeks post will be coming Next Tuesday!
Oh man waddup
I'm always playing with team of different heroes.
It consists of Link, Sonic, Samus, Rambo, Quote, Mario, Naruto and Megaman X.
So I don't have a particular favorite, but I like the variety the game offers.
My themes / Theme Editor / Code contributions /
Maybe he mean not just the favorite,,, maybe the most "You'd Like to See" ???
because i have variety of hats too
,,, but the MOST I like is that "Cencored One",,, so maybe we need the "One" of hats among we use ???
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⠀HP: ██████████ 1E9/1E91E9/1E9 ██████████ :MP
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WAIT !!!
That i was forget to comment about,,,
i want to say :
I meet someone has another Enthusiasm among some people i have meet (in this game) that was Great for the Forum (these days) !!!
You "Make a New Post Every Week" Right ? And i will "Comment Every Post You Have Made !!! Want to relief experienced nightmare of the past,,,
ok then, good luck
making those creativity above the keyboard,,,
(this comment was a REALLY LATE NEWSPAPER (Newspaper for 1945 was send in 2016))
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⠀HP: ██████████ 1E9/1E91E9/1E9 ██████████ :MP
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Hey guys: When is the most convenient time to post the forums. Shall I put up a new post every Tuesday, say?
Oh man waddup
I feel the banana,,,
oh i write it damn XD
why Tuesday ? i prefer Weekend
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⠀HP: ██████████ 1E9/1E91E9/1E9 ██████████ :MP
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