All New Dat_Boi Post! A Vs. Battle!

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Dat_Boi's picture
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Alright, I'm going to start something new! A Vs. Battle! I will choose two utilities and you will have to decide which is better. (How you grade them does not matter Smile it can be from damage to most useful). And our first contestants are: Bazooka Vs. Mortar! (Also, if you can, give a reason why you choose that contestant Big Grin ) Vote below. The winner will be decided soon!

Oh man waddup

UltiMaxKom's picture
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A Forum Thread Game ???

I As Worms Player,,, Hellish Hand Grenade


Why ??? because :
1.I like it
2.Can be powered up using winds to control
3.Damage better than mortar on a Free-Space to shoot,,, Mortar cant do it when directly hit to the target horizontally,,,
4.Because it the Basic weapon of Worms and Hedgewars, making it IMPORTANT
5.Bot is the Best player who can use it,,, mortar can't be used by bots
6.Bazooka deal damage and AOE Bigger than Mortar in only one impact,,,
7.Mortar more effective when enemy is close, than shot far enemy, and it will miss much higher chance,,, bazooka have same effect to Far Nor Close target,,,
8.You can't destroy wall using mortar,,, or if you want to damage yourself.
9.Because i vote for it,,, then it is better...
10.AND !!! Because i have EXPLAINED All of THESE Reason !!!



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mikade's picture
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Come on guys, all weapons are beautiful. All weapons are equal.
But, just maybe, some weapons are more equal than others.

In general, Mortar is a better, uh, more equal weapon because:

1) It does way more damage than Bazooka, and can kill a hog with 50+ life.
2) It has a greater firing range than Bazooka.
3) It fires faster than Bazooka.
4) It is more precise than Bazooka, and has a cleaner blast radius.
5) It is not negatively affected by wind like Bazooka.
6) It can be used to blast through solid terrain and damage hogs at some distance on the other side, which is impossible with Bazooka.
7) It can dig vertical shafts faster than Bazooka.
8) It can be used to "shoot around corners" because its fragments bounce backwards, whereas Bazooka can only do this randomly when the wind is right.

Basically Mortar is more equal than Bazooka in just about every way. That's why the default weapon scheme gives you an infinite number of crummy bazookas but only a few mortars.

Hedgewars Developer

UltiMaxKom's picture
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ShortenTextBattle allegedly wrote:

mikade allegedly wrote:

Come on guys, all weapons are beautiful. All weapons are equal.
But, just maybe, some weapons are more equal than others.

In general, Mortar is a better, uh, more equal weapon because:

1) It does way more damage than Bazooka, and can kill a hog with 50+ life.
2) It has a greater firing range than Bazooka.
3) It fires faster than Bazooka.
4) It is more precise than Bazooka, and has a cleaner blast radius.
5) It is not negatively affected by wind like Bazooka.
6) It can be used to blast through solid terrain and damage hogs at some distance on the other side, which is impossible with Bazooka.
7) It can dig vertical shafts faster than Bazooka.
8) It can be used to "shoot around corners" because its fragments bounce backwards, whereas Bazooka can only do this randomly when the wind is right.

Basically Mortar is more equal than Bazooka in just about every way. That's why the default weapon scheme gives you an infinite number of crummy bazookas but only a few mortars.

its TRUE,,, In FACT, Its True,,,

I have vote Bazooka,,, hmmm, should i help bazooka for this attack ??? hhpmmm
i have no choice but reinforce my little vote Big Grin

NOTE : No Offense, this is A VS.Battle !!! i need to make bazooka better Big Grin

Backfire allegedly wrote:

"Equality" is the point for balancing,,,
but No weapon Equal at a specified way, they have their own specialization for something,,,
Balance the power/usefulness is totally needed,
But they cant work as same way each-other right ?
i just pick Bazooka because its,,, Basically Primary Weapon that the bots can Optimally use, yup, i make Zombiemode and need Bazooka,,,
And one thing too,,, i agree with Equality,,,

1)Only when enemy at range, and hard to do if target on side that we can fire weapon horizontally,,, and 50+ damage when victim get all cluster, that seems hard too because a cluster (or some) will make victim blow away from AoE then decrease DMG Output,,, ++Bazooka do its anywhere target is spotted and can to hit by its, trajectory...
2)Greater Firing Range,,, yeah, not good if far, even it is hit the target, i release cluster with more bad spread,,, hit confirmed but damage slightly decreased (less effective)... ++Bazooka if hit the target, its effectiveness still the same,,,
3)Fire Faster ? Bazooka if Going to shoot, its need to set the power,,, which Cut the turn time until it is release,,, making it same speed as mortar, ++Bazooka Angle still can be changed during power set,,, mortar can't do it though,,,
4)Cleaner Blast Radius ??? i prefer "Bigger AoE and More Blow Force to AoE", which even more effective to push multi-hoggies to the water, that mortar bad at it (Smaller Blast Radius),,, ++Bazooka have Cleaner Blow Impact...
5)I Like Mastering the WINDS OVER MY CONTROL,,, (LOL I Bad at everythings XD, And this too XP) ,,, Yup, Bazooka can get the negative effect too,,, ++Bots is Master of The Winds,,, Bazooka like it,,,
6)I never see player do it... btw, its rarely have its chance to do that one,,, Really Rare to see it i think,,, ++But if we talking about wall penetration,,, Bazooka's Blast Radius to Damage Land is better,,, Mortar should spread the cluster to the reverse point of impact,,, and its really bad to penetrate wall,,,
7)Dig Shaft ??? is Mortar used to dig shaft ??? but yes, Bazooka lose at this one,,, ++None,,, :C
8)This one is The True Power of Mortar,,, Bazooka lose again :C ... ++None,,, X;

"..." This one is Painful for Bazooka Flying
i think this one i should Disagree Big Grin
I think player "Harder" to use Mortar, They better to use bazooka and its really portable (Mortar is Complicatable XD),,, and ++Mortar shouldn't not used in Cave...
++Bazooka is the Basic weapon for Worms, as a Follower, Hedgewars "Maybe" like that too (i dont 100% guarantee it), as a basic weapon, it should have more ammo,,,

But i think the Point is :
"I Still Prefer Bazookas Because It Is Easier and Widely Known than Mortar,,, we can't make Bazooka Dying here,,, Hail Bazooka (LOL) !!!"

wait !!! thats not the true Point,,, i think :
"These Two is BETTER in its Specialization,,, you shouldn't use Mortar Horizontally, and Should make Shaft with Mortar (???), not with Bazookas..."

Maybe thats my Help for Bazooka Big Grin



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Dat_Boi's picture
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Of course I have to put in my vote... I base these things on three scales: Value, damage, and power... For value, in default, you get infinite bazookas, but only certain amount of mortars (Mortar wins for value, more important Big Grin ) . For damage, unless your really, skilled, bazookas are your friends. Mortars are only for people who know what they are doing. (Bazooka wins for damage). Finally, power. I WANT TO BE IN CONTROL, NOT YOU, YOU CRUMMY WIND!!!!! (Mortar wins). So, all in all, Moratar is my vote!

Oh man waddup

UltiMaxKom's picture
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ANonOffensiveComment,,, Just Opinion :D allegedly wrote:

What i see from your Vote :
VoteToVoteAVote allegedly wrote:

Dat_Boi allegedly wrote:

Of course I have to put in my vote... I base these things on three scales: Value, damage, and power... For value, in default, you get infinite bazookas, but only certain amount of mortars (Mortar wins for value, more important Big Grin ) . For damage, unless your really, skilled, bazookas are your friends. Mortars are only for people who know what they are doing. (Bazooka wins for damage). Finally, power. I WANT TO BE IN CONTROL, NOT YOU, YOU CRUMMY WIND!!!!! (Mortar wins). So, all in all, Moratar is my vote!

What i see from those statement,,,

1)Value = True = Points : Bazooka 0 - Mortar 1
2)Damage = False = Points : Bazooka 1 - Mortar 0
3)Crummy Winds = Relative to Who Use It,,, Not always TRUE NOR FALSE = Points Bazooka 1/2 - Mortar 1/2

Total Points : Bazooka 1.5 - Mortar 1.5

So the Winner is "Watermelon Bomb" !!!

"I think your vote need to be voted too :D"



And you miss these things : Usefulness, Battlefield Condition Compability / Portability, AoE, Force, DoT, Accuracy, Range, and Variability / Setting can be Customized to Weapon,,, and maybe others,,,

AND Value does not good for things to be compared. its maybe better if "How A Ammo Effectiveness" that is relevant,,, not "How Many The Weapon in Default Settings" ,,, not fair comparation though,,, this scales need to leveled down for vote point, a half ?

Damage,,, Mortar "HAVE MORE MAX DAMAGE OUTPUT" ,,, BUT ! If can hit all the Cluster (almost all i mean) ,,, and that requires "More Vertical Shot" ,,, Bazooka does not need to hit target Vertically,,, but still,,, Mortar win The Damage,,,

"Don't Let Crummy Winds Control You Dude,,, You Need To Control Winds"

I think we need to "Recalculate"...



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