Help to Make a Special Map and its Theme

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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Hello guys,,,

I now need help from anyone can make a Map with its Special Theme

If can,,, please make it with the conditions below,,,
Because it will be used for a Special Modes.
Ofc the Author credit is the Creator itself and i not in the credit.
Also, i will OBVIOUSLY Credit your name in the TTS Itself...

AND !!!

MakeAMapAndATheme allegedly wrote:

-- -- -- For : The True Survival ]{_ [In Zombiemode]

-- -- Map Based at Idea : "Zombie Survival Field"

-- Condition in Map : (1) NO Indestructible and Bouncy Mask ; (2) Map size is MUST Larger or Same (>=) as the Large Map Choice in Random Gen. ; (3) (Optionally) Make a Mountain ; (4) DO NOT Make Structure or Land that BLOCKS Bots to ATTACK ,,, Think about Bots to Attack Clearly and NOT GIVE HUMAN MANY DEFENSE... ; (5) DO NOT Make a Cave or Hole...

-- -- Theme Based at Idea : "Zombie"

-- Conditions in Themes : (2) Any Flakes ; (2) Horror Music ; (3) With ALL SD Custom Properties ; (4) MAKE This theme like an usual theme that CAN BE USED IN OTHER RANDOM GENERATED MAP,,, Land Object as usual...

ASK ANYTHING Here to me,,, if there something missing or weird or etc...

Ok then,,, i really Appreciate for ANY RESPONSES HERE ,,,

Making Owned Creation + Helping
Ty ^^



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Shocking => @^@ !!!

Spooooooky !!!

Wow KoBeWi Smile ,,, what a great job for a Zombie Theme,,,

Hmmm,,, where is the Map ?

What i really like from the theme : SDMusic is really Cool, Horror bringer !!!

But we have some problems,,,
Should not used for area of Children play, and its include many Blood and Gore also Violence content which, maybe TOO Horror,,, ofc this not a big problem ! The Idea is : Zombie and this is it !

Thank you KoBeWi Big Grin

Need Its Map too,,, which used to play as a Permanent, and Absolutely a place to drop the score at a same way to others player when challenging other's player score,,,

A Map or SOME Map as Level in here,,,

BUT !!! I really appreciate and thank you for this,,, a Response is enough for me than none ^^

Please include The Map,,, no off, if can,,, and only if can,,,



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KoBeWi's picture
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UltiMaxKom allegedly wrote:
But we have some problems,,,
Should not used for area of Children play, and its include many Blood and Gore also Violence content which, maybe TOO Horror,,,

Big Grin
I wanted to make it even more hardcore, but I couldn't find enough good images and I'm bad at drawing that sort of stuff Annoyed

Anyways, you'd need to give more details if you want the map. I suppose it should be more "neutral" than the theme, but if you could draw some concept for the layout etc. that would help.

UltiMaxKom's picture
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Ok_kO !!!

Understood !!! I should make a Concept before,,, and yeah right,,, more naturally... Details,,, and some other stuff,,, i really REALLY BAD At Drawing, too XD

Then wait the next News from me,,, i quite busy these days ;/ . So, please be patiance (do we care Ulti ?)



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Wuzzy's picture
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Haha, the Zombie theme is very cool. It's obviously against the HW style, but looks like a DLC candidate. Not sure what sheepluva would say, sheepluva is usually opposed to “gory” stuff.
It looks like a different game.

The water looks kinda funny. I don't really like water with objects in it because the bones are just part of the water image; so it doesn't look like the bones are actually swimming in it. But it's no big deal here because the bones are subtle.
What's more serious is that you can see a line below the water surface.

I noticed a problem with one of the monster land objects: Apparently you can walk in mid air. Probably you missed some nearly invisible pixels. This should definitely be fixed. For testing, just try to actually walk on all land objects and you will understand.

The Sudden Death of this theme is awesome. Very … gory. xD

Don't forget to rename your thread accordingly, or create a new thread. Otherwise your theme can't be found.

EDIT: Oh. I just noticed that in SD, the FPS drops to 30-40 on my machine. Sad Smiley

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KoBeWi's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
What's more serious is that you can see a line below the water surface.
Huh, where?

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
I noticed a problem with one of the monster land objects: Apparently you can walk in mid air. Probably you missed some nearly invisible pixels. This should definitely be fixed.
Yeah, I just did that, you can re-download. I also fixed music (try to guess what was wrong).

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
Don't forget to rename your thread accordingly, or create a new thread. Otherwise your theme can't be found.
tbh, I made this theme purely out of request. It's below my usual standards, I just glued random images from the web (sorry Ulti). The "announcement post" contains single emote and my link from signature used to lead directly to download (now it leads to that post). I'd better leave it this way XD This theme will be in my collective theme pack anyways, probably as a nice surprise for many people.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
EDIT: Oh. I just noticed that in SD, the FPS drops to 30-40 on my machine. :-(
That might have something to do with the fact tat I'm drawing 10000 flakes. Dunno. (XD)

I also found a bug. I didn't specify clouds, so the default 9 value is used. But I can't disable SD clouds then. I set them to 0 and they still appear. It can be observed in the version of theme I just uploaded.

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What's more serious is that you can see a line below the water surface.

Forget this. I think it was just me. Sorry. XD

Thanks for fixing the theme. I can understand if this theme is not that important to you. But it turned out quite well.

I also found a bug. I didn't specify clouds, so the default 9 value is used. But I can't disable SD clouds then. I set them to 0 and they still appear. It can be observed in the version of theme I just uploaded.

Oh. I need to look into that.

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KoBeWi's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
But it turned out quite well.
I'm aware of that. It has a very good atmosphere, with all the fog and moon in the background. If land objects/sprays were of better quality and consistency, I'd be happy to make a separate topic. But I never planned to make this theme and I'm not really good in drawing this kind of things.

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The SD clouds bug is now fixed. Smile

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ivan866's picture
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Nice graphics.

Have a melon.

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