[MENU] Removing teams, colours teams in players list

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game room:

1) should be to possible to remove any team from team list (now I need to kick a player)

2) I do not know how to write about it, here is a example image (right bottom):

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User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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The idea with showing the clan colors at the player is nice and useful. Two objections:

1) The color should not replace the current player icon, rather it should be an additional icon
2) The same player can add several teams in different clans (=colors). So Hedgewars would need this into account as well. I think this can be handled by simply showing not one color, but multiple (one “color icon” per clan color used

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User offline. Last seen 1 year 15 weeks ago. Offline
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Why not just hover over the team names to see the owning player?
You make it so complicated Big Grin

Edit: I agree on the kicking/removing team idea.

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