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User offline. Last seen 32 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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I've some question on graves. First one, how portals on graves work? Sometimes portals work on them, sometimes they won't be teleported and I can't get what is the condition to do it, seems causal, dunno if I fail.
Second one, is it normal that you can put grinder over the grave? It's a strange behaviour I think, cause when you resurrect that grave the hog will be over/behind the grinder when you can't do it on a alive hog.

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I guess by grinder you meant "girder"

And, well, it just happens 'cause hogs take up space. You can climb on 'em and such.
Hogs don't *always* take up space though. With very good timing you could probably get a girder to trap a live hog. One that was still tumbling/sliding after you knocked him loose. Ice or infinite attack mode would help w/ that. There's no explicit prevention of it.

Dunno. Both are kinda rare circumstances, don't think we really need to worry too much about it.
Consider it a pro move I guess. I use it in clean slate to slow down resurrection ☺

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As for how portals work. Should work the same as usual, unless you already portalled a grave a ton in a loop this turn and the loop cutoff got triggered.

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