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UltiMaxKom's picture
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Hello guys Smile)

I just get a concern about Hedgewars Forum's Member Crisis,,,
I wanna start it with a shrug about how we going this year,
This year where we can see MANY Games Out There which is Over-Populated with Gamers like me, example Dota 2 [I DoTA 2 Player] or for related with Hedgewars, then Worms WMD going to the Road...

I Talking about "How and What Will We Do To Fix This Bug" ???
Ofc this is a Bug to the game, at Macro Level...

Whats the problem with this ?
We can say in Hyperbole to explain why THIS IS BAD
Example at least when we lost member, KB not Updated, Volunteer to Make us get in Into Steam zone, Get some new Themes, new Scripts, Contribution into New Version of HW, even Trailers are Fanmade (According to Devs) etc more...

Lets check some Houses in our Hedgewars Zone...

This is The Big Line :

function( Factor of Hedgewars Next Era Conditions )
local Output = "Condition of Next HW"
local Input = Factor[1] + Factor[2] + Factor[3] + Factor[i] + ... + Factor[#i]
Factor[Biggest] = {a, b, c,}
a =    The Internal Factors
b =    The External Factors
c =    The X Factors
Output = a + b + c

So, you have see that the BIGGEST FACTOR Of our Conditions is :
Internal Factors ,
External Factors ,
X Factors

Where is Internal Factors is what we Have Fixing on/already/OTW
Also External Factors is what we wanna Discuss too by Some Ideas Below
And Where
The X Factors is All About 'Probability' which lead into set of Chances, will someone play HW Or others, which X Factors is half about Internal and External Factors, and the rest is just Probability of to Occur in Time...

To Fix and Upgrade Hedgewars.
We just can Modify and Upgrade The Internal Factors by Max Aprox. of >80% where is <20% is from Accidentally or Hackers or misc Problem may happen...
Also we can Modify and Upgrade The External Factors too by Max Aprox. of ?50% where is rest is from Outer Games Effects and ETC Around Economy and some other Internet Factors
BUT !!! WE CANNOT Modify X Factors, we can just increase some Probability by fixing Internal and External Factors, we CANNOT Set X Factors because its the Chance/Probabilities and other Unique Event could be the Target (Gamer) could feel in the Real Worlds...

We need to back to the Solutions, its about how to Fix these Macro Bugs which is Included to Internal and External Factors...

Ok, to make this got clear...

function( Macro Bugs )
Problem[1] == Lack of Members

Then, we need to get root of The Problem

function( Problem[1] )
math.sqrt( Lack of Member ) == People's Interest ;
( math.sqrt( Lack of Member ) ) ^ 2 == People's interest ^ 2 ;
Lack of Member == People's Interest ^ 2 == Hedgewars Popularity

Nah !
The Root is Hedgewars Popularity

function( Lack of Members )
Problem[2] == Lack of Popularity

We need the Solutions for The Lacks of Popularity

function( Solution[ Lack of Popularity ] )
local Lack of Popularity = LoP ;
Solution[ LoP ] == LoP - LoP ;
Solution[ LoP ] == Increase Popularity 

You know that,
That the Solution is Increase Popularity...
How ??? Get more Sign Outside to show our Best Game Smile)) !!!

I may can suggest some Ideas for Thesebugs :

Forum's Suggestion allegedly wrote:

-----We May Able When Devs Would...

-- 1. Spread The Hedgewars To All Social Media and Every Way Capable of, BY ALL OF USERS OF HW

-- 2. Head to the Headquarters Guys !!! Make a Trailer for next Release [ HW 0.9.23 ] !!!

-- 3. Set a Camp for Hedgewars in YouTube/or Other Video Supplier alike of it

-- 4. Throw out the Party to Others People Near nor Far, try to Cooperate to Users of Hedgewars

-- 5. ADD MORE LINK To the Hedgewars Forum, On the Online Lobby, Devs should add more Link to Guild of forum, Example : A link to a place where we can Learn Creating such thing
- + Anyway, #5 Will Increase Members for Forum !!! I Would be a room where we learn Creating in Hedgewars, i'll help this Big Grin

-- 6. Make more Footage of New Games/Modes in Hedgewars and Insert em' to Forum Face for Newcomer to See, Increase their Spirit !!!

#7 When we get em' Interested to Creating such Things, then there must be somewhere that they can Download/Upload way Faster than Forum may be... Have ask to Devs about Unit22 Bender Repository thats was VERY Useful for folks to spoils their Works, and make things easier to render... If it was available already you'll say, i mean, MAKE A new Workshop with ONLY Creations In There, Someone Upload Things with Cover, the Cover is with Image to shown their works, and the content is just the descriptions, content, links, and comment sections. Queue System is it...
#7 Will solve Some problems in Sharing for Peoples, they will have a Private Repository...
# PS : Make a new Page to ONLY for Creations which is using Queue System, so Devs can check what Creations is Able to use which not/bad package, Devs select which is Deserve it...

-- 8. Developers' Room.
#8 Who wanna ask Developer ? Who want to talk with em' ?? And who want to get Everything Clear about How to Contact Developer in Easier Way, then we should have our Developer's Private Room Big Grin

-- 9. Re-Updated KB,,, This is Optional though

-- 10. Make Fan Base/HQ !!! This would be a great way to gather those folky around the Online to ask them for creating Fanart or Fanmade Videos to show their LIKE Thumb to HW ! Fan Base is where all Fan of Hedgewars Gather, this shouldagood Big Grin


Make these Happen Would be a Great Breakthrough to Popularity and Member Booster for Hedgewars,,,
Hedgewars will be more lots so friendlier as before, since we know its harder to contact Any Devs through conventional way such Posting (Possible but lot more Longer Delay)...

I really Appreciate The Creator of the Game, Respectfully The Devs...
Which still Alive, so may the Hedgewars Live on...
Hope can be true ^^

Ok then, should be enough for a Booster and some List of Ideas for Next Era of Hedgewars :DDD v0.9.32 is BIGGER BRO !!!



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KoBeWi's picture
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UltiMaxKom allegedly wrote:
-- 2. Head to the Headquarters Guys !!! Make a Trailer for next Release [ HW 0.9.23 ] !!!
Talking about trailer, 0.9.23 will introduce many new features for making themes. It would be a good idea to have some custom themes featured in the trailer (with caption like "create your own themes for maps" etc.), especially my fan-themes. I wonder if having a Mario-like map in the trailer would increase interest. It would show how the game can be customized after all.

UltiMaxKom's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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KoBeWi allegedly wrote:

UltiMaxKom allegedly wrote:
-- 2. Head to the Headquarters Guys !!! Make a Trailer for next Release [ HW 0.9.23 ] !!!
Talking about trailer, 0.9.23 will introduce many new features for making themes. It would be a good idea to have some custom themes featured in the trailer (with caption like "create your own themes for maps" etc.), especially my fan-themes. I wonder if having a Mario-like map in the trailer would increase interest. It would show how the game can be customized after all.

Nah !!!
This is Who we need Big Grin
Add more guys like this !!!

Yes, btw include my scripts too xD [New Weapon which not only what Provided by the Next Release] joke Big Grin

And your Fan-Themes would-a-Great and Cool for the Trailer.
Really, The Trailer with "Bowser" Themes would be INTERESTED For peoples (My Opinion) !!!

In Trailers its a good idea (Purpose : +Popularity) to show 'Some' Medium-Fast Paced Part which show our games...
Like example :
Use Cool Themes Slideshow, Show Scripts Based Custom Great Weapon, Use Developer's Figure, Hats Showdown, Show Great Scripts such as Globalism ( Vatten ) which is showing the game would be REALLY Costumizable (Hey ! Vatten with Globalism make us can CUSTOMIZE AND CREATE NEW WEAPON ( Like Worms' Weapon Factory) !!! ) !!!, and Also show Big Contributor's Creation, i'll recommend to show Star and Moon's Comic Book, and etc [Hold On !!! Is this Trailer or what xD ???]

Anyway, KoBeWi, i like it Smile)
I really Appreciate and Vote your Suggestion too ^^
"ITS JUST ABOUT HEDGEWARS !!!" [Please expect but just Spirit from this guy xP]


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Lyberta's picture
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The main problem is a huge inflation of video game market. And people happily play proprietary games.

I don't play proprietary games so I don't have a lot to choose from. I think teaching people about the values of free software should make Hedgewars and other libre games more popular.

UltiMaxKom's picture
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FaTony allegedly wrote:

The main problem is a huge inflation of video game market. And people happily play proprietary games.

I don't play proprietary games so I don't have a lot to choose from. I think teaching people about the values of free software should make Hedgewars and other libre games more popular.

Right ;/

Those Huge Game Market is really visible from our very eyes, like a Walking Mountain...
We can't do anything about this i think ;/

And wow !!! You Teaching Peoples about Freeware/Free software Big Grin ???
Can't even Better, a way to show peoples that "Open-Sources" Software CAN and WAS GOOD which not Only Paid Software can be...

But talking about you guys,,,
Honestly, i here still on school, so there nothing special about me ;/ , Expect Low of it
Just A Regular Player of Hedgewars.Org



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