[Library] ]{'s KWait System Library Set v2.0

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UltiMaxKom's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 48 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Guys !!!

I have make my Scripts Library to you !
If you want to Wait a/some Function to be Executed,,, Use this,,,

]{'s KWait System Library Set v2.0

This one is a Library of a SET of KWait include { KWaitExe and KWaitExeArray }

Is used to Delay 'A' Function or say, just a Single Function can be Delayed...
Which in form of :
KWaitExe( DelayInMiliseconds, Function, TheValuesOfTheFunction )
Example : KWaitExe( 2000, HogSay, { CurrentHedgehog, "Is This Really Necessary ?", SAY_SAY } )

AND Included too :

Also used to Delay Function, but this one ABLE To Delay Multi-Function at Once, which mean use {exeset} and { {valset1}, {valset2}, {valset3}, ...}
In Form of :
KWaitExeArray( DelayInMiliseconds, FunctionArray, ArrayForTheValuesOfTheFunctionArrays )
Example : KWaitExeArray( 4000, { HogSay, AddCaption }, { { CurrentHedgehog, "Is This Really Necessary ?", SAY_SAY }, { "Of Course" } } )

And i release my first Sequel on Waiting Systems,,,

I Proudly Serving
The ]{'s KWait System Library Set v2.0 :

allegedly wrote:
{'s KWait System Library Set v2.0]

License is in the download,,, All Files in this download is under the License there,,,

Ok then...
Suggest more if want Big Grin !!!
And please make a Response After Downloading Smile [optionally, Precisely,,, just a Choice,,, Leave Blank is the same]



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Lyberta's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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There's no need to pass arguments of the function separately as Lua has lambdas (or whatever term the Lua uses).

Also, your comments at the start of the file take more space than my complete implementation of this.

UltiMaxKom's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 48 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2016-06-26
Posts: 381

FaTony allegedly wrote:

There's no need to pass arguments of the function separately as Lua has lambdas (or whatever term the Lua uses).

Also, your comments at the start of the file take more space than my complete implementation of this.

Hmmm,,, idk about those Smile

But i really Use this so MUCH !
So Useful for Any Situation might others get something complicated [Well, my life is Complicated]

And LOL Right xD !!!
Wkwkwkwkw !
My Purpose insert comment here like wild is,
Those folks that maybe not want to open the scripts instead they simply use it without concern the content, just the usage would be read this if they won't disturb the content inside,,,
And yeah, for someone who will check the content, that would be lol Big Grin


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