What is your favorite language???

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Dat_Boi's picture
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You saw the title right guys! What is your favorite programming language! And if you don't have one, do today's V.S battle:
Desert Eagle!
Vote and answer in the comments!
Dynamite won last battle Big Grin

Oh man waddup

KoBeWi's picture
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Best. Language. Ever.
Nuff said.

Dat_Boi's picture
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I enjoy programming things in java & java script (totally different things)
you can learn to code by playing a game: Codecombat! Check it out!!!
Anyway i vote for desert eagle cuz you can get through more terrain faster AND you have more ammo. the only downside is less damage,
desert eagle has my vote Big Grin

Oh man waddup

UltiMaxKom's picture
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For the first time, I thinking its mean "Language" like the Title said, so, its was Programming Language :'

I would prefer
"JASS2" Programming Language


Since we have a Desert Eagle Combatant 'Already'
So I will pick the Opposite ...
[ This is a V.S Battle isn't it Smile) ???]

I Vote For Shotgun !!!
Why ? (Except the first reason above)
I would gladly say my reason, which i can explain as below

  • Shotgun's Maximum damage impact is Greater (Max 25/hit * 2 ammo (PS : Single hog))
  • Shotgun have AOE, even small, its still effective to hit several target with force which damage mutiple hogs as well
  • Shotgun's Force Impact is Greater than DEagle, though it can make you stand back forcefully with your knees down
  • Shotgun Miss Chance is smaller, DEagle do 4 shot, shotgun only 2, making DEagle have twice as much Shotgun's Miss Chance
  • Shotgun's Land Damage is Far-far away than DEagle can, it can send a barrel or hogs to fall down from a girder (etc)
  • Shotgun can also provide better Mobility, as it can make hole or door between walls or girder/rubber, also make a land stairs (etc)

Hm, I think my Fight is somehow "Enough" (for me) ATM ...
Battling guys Big Grin ???


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⠀HP: ██████████ 1E9/1E91E9/1E9 ██████████ :MP
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Lyberta's picture
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C++ for me, although it could have been much better. With time I guess. Soon C++17 and then C++20.

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