What is you favorite map?
Tue, 2017-03-21 18:41
When you play, you are able to choose a map. What is YOUR favorite map?
For the v.s battle, none since desert eagle and shotgun are still battling.
Will make a new one once one of them win
Oh man waddup
My answer/opinion depend on what the question refer to [ofc lol xD]
* When its refer to "Any" Map :
Then I'll choose My Custom map xD
ofc why not
Who doesn't love his own "Drawn Map" or even "Custom Image Map" ???
So I'll choose mine too ;]
* When its refer to "Any Original" map :
Then my choosen one is the suitable for the lazy world, which is "Randomly Generated" with random theme xD
Check the online rooms, this one absolutely win xD
But hold on ! I not saying we are lazy, but this map was the easiest choice to take rather than make our friend say "GoGoGo" for a thousand times right
* When its refer to "Original Image" Map :
) (my first image about Hedgewars)
Then I'll choose "Cogs"
Why ? Because that map make me play Hedgewars :O
Why again ? I see it in Youtube (Hedgewars gameplay in Cogs map)
So I interested with this cool game
Cheers ! Thanks to Cogs Map :} !!!
Oh, V.S Battle Throne still not occupied even now :?
Okay, Remember, I still voting Shotgun !!!
Now, please let me ask something
Btw, How about our Project ???
Please let me know, I still waiting for news ^^
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My favorite map is the cheese map or the bath tub map
Oh man waddup
Random map I guess.
My stuff
I also like the random maps more. I very rarely play on image maps, except in Shoppa and such.
My favourite Shoppa map is ShoppaDesert.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.