Are drop-down links broken?

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Wuzzy's picture
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Is it just me, or are the drop down links on this website broken?

With “drop-down links” I do NOT mean the traditional drop-down lists, but the links with a black arrow next to them. You see them when you write a post, e.g.:

> Smileys

And when you click this link, a list full of smileys pops up. At lest this is supposed to happen. :/

When I click the link, my browser just scrolls back to the top. I have tried with 2 different browsers.

Can anyone here please confirm that this is happening?

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KoBeWi's picture
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Wow, I didn't even notice > Smileys exist. But yeah, they also scroll me to the top. Not sure what they are supposed to link to, but single # at the end is just scroll to top.

sheepluva's picture
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Indeed. Looks like some Javascript breakage.
Thanks for the heads-up Smile

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sheepluva's picture
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Should be fixed now. Please test.

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Wuzzy's picture
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It is fixed by 50%. Big Grin

I can now open the drop-down links, but not close them when clicking again.

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mikade's picture
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I brought this up on IRC like 2 months ago XP.
Confirmed 50% fix on Firefox.

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sheepluva's picture
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Hm. Something seems to be wrong with Drupal's slideDown function.
It's not finishing as it should (no error message though),
so it doesn't set fieldset.animating back to false.

Clicking isn't allowed during animations, so it's stuck in a non-clickable animation-state limbo.

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