NOTE : Exam

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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I went too busy that make me never touch codes and scripts anymore in recent days...
Because there will be Exams, Big Exam...


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sheepluva's picture
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Good luck!

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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UltiMaxKom's picture
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Sheepluva: Thank you VERY MUCH ^_^
[And this serious though]

What a beautiful month is this =D
So colorful with FREE TIME. oh so damn delicious days...

Now, I can continue (but ofc, slow -> but will do) all my works around scripts
and will continue my Secret Project (and this, really really slow though)
I guess ETA for my Secret Project is, at least : 1 year xD

Stil !
I Really happy can post this out so I can thanks for Sheepluva kindness ^w^



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Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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Congratulations on completing your exams. I hope you did well!

UltiMaxKom's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Star and Moon: Thank you for your kindness =D !!!
And yea! My exam, uhm, I passed it with my full power and do it as well as I can (X_O ')

It's really nice to see you again =')
Also Welcome Back to our little world =] !!!
Our world now feel warmer after you join us in this hedgetea party =)

Well then, I write these when it's heavy rain here, while I playing in a cafe, no wall, soo cold
So, I really thankful for your words, its (seriously) make me warmer xD (I imagine using laptop in small room with many people so I wouldn't feel frozen here lol)

I hope you can stay here for some more years and (then) finish your comic entirely ^_^
No! I mean... I hope no more goodbye ;_;


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