[Suggestion] Better script parameters handling (other than UI)

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KoBeWi's picture
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This is not an idea for moving parameters out of single line to proper UI, as I'm aware it was already suggested.

My idea is that these parameters should also be handled in a complete separate fashion from game settings. Right now, it's annoying, because game settings are tied to script, so you can't play certain script with some settings, unless you clone them and add parameters. Especially if you want to use one settings for multiple scripts, your settings list gets easily cluttered.

So I'd like to suggest to handle parameters similar to hand-drawn maps. In a separate menu, accessible somewhere where you select the script, a set of controls appear, initialized with default script's parameters. You can save/load the values of controls, the same way you can save/load hand-drawn maps (bonus if they were script-specific).
This way, you can test different values independently, without breaking anything and just play with different settings easily.

Wuzzy's picture
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I agree the script parameter sucks. It's powerful, but it sucks in terms of usability.
The way the script parameter is handled in Hedgewars right now is a big pain in the ass.
Not only because it's completely string based, users also need to refer to external, non-obvious documentation (a.k.a. the wiki) to even figure out which values are possible in the first place.

I am not sure if it a good idea to use a 3rd drop-down menu or whatever (like weapon scheme / game scheme) because it might become too much stuff to fiddle around with.

I think tying a game scheme to the style actually makes sense. Since the script parameter is often used for gameplay purposes, it seems logical to put it into the game scheme.

I have invented a lot of game schemes, but I never really felt the need for separation. I don't have thought of a game scheme with script parameter which I could really re-use for any other style, even if that separation would be there. A separation may even increase the “workload” for the user a bit (for setting up a game), and the possible benefit is rather questional.

I am not really convinced of your idea, so can you please come up with a concrete use case where a separation of style settings and game scheme would be really needed?

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KoBeWi's picture
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I didn't really mean a third dropdown, but just a separate menu. Maybe game settings could load their values upon switching, but then you could change them without modifying the actual settings.

I don't really know a very concrete case, but it annoyed me when I e.g. have settings for different game modes, like Ultra Crazy Mode, Sudden Sudden Death etc. and multiple scripts like Game Hacks and Lyberta's Modular, and I wanted to use these scripts with different settings, but each time I had to make a game settings just to use with one particular script. Maybe it's not that bothering when you have a strict game settings you use each time, but if you are bored and just want to experiment with lots of things, this IS annoying.

Wuzzy's picture
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Okay. I want to hear the opinions of other players as well about the script parameter. Smile

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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I want it too
to hear the opinions of other players...
[it's a wish]

But yeah
We need a better Scripts Parameter GUI
In any way, lol, idk why I feel lazy to get some ideas right now ;/

Anyway !
Nice suggestion Big Grin


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Sure, I dunno what to suggest but yep, a better way to handle parameters. Most of players don't know how to set parameters or even don't know you can do it. At least I think there should be a wiki post on how to use them and that sums up them.

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Wuzzy's picture
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You're right. At the very least, there should be a wiki post. I could look into that soon.

Recently I have updated or added mot of the wiki pages on styles so at least their permitted script parameters are documented.

But there isn't a page explaining usage in general yet.

By the way, as of 0.9.22, the script parameter is not used that much in official styles yet. List of styles which use script parameter in 0.9.22:

In 0.9.23, there will be much stronger script parameter support.

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Wuzzy's picture
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OK, for those who are confused how to use the script parameter, I have finally written a wiki page for you:

Script parameter

It was long overdue. Big Grin

I tried to write it in a way so that everyone can instantly use it. But if you are still confused about the script parameter, feel free to ask in the Support forum.

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