[Suggestion] Show animation on any hedgehog
Sat, 2017-05-06 20:32
There are these commands, like /shrug or /wave, which make your current hedgehog make an animation. However, I found them useless in most cases, because you need to sacrifice your turn time, and sometimes you don't even have enough.
I like how you can speak with any hedgehog by putting number at the beginning of message. I use this feature a lot, in reaction to my enemy's actions, or to make dialogues between stupid teammates XD
Would it be possible to somehow make animations work like this? So you can do, like, "3/wave" to wave with 3rd hedgehog etc.? Obviously this should work if hedgehog isn't being hurt or flying, although would be fun to override terrified face from grenade to shrugging XD
Interesting idea. But I would change the syntax to something like “/wave 3”. First to be consistent with other chat commans, and second because your idea may make it impossible to write messages which start with a number.
Also: If you use any of the speech bubbles or taunt animations while its your turn, you will inevitably lose turn time, no matter if this feature is implemented or not.
I think the problem with the taunts is that they don't seem to work at all when its not your turn. I think this needs to change, too.
For the speech bubble commands, even without number they let a hog talk (I think it is the hog you will play next). It would make a lot of sense to make the taunt commands work like this as well.
Posted just for you:
Bug 211
Bug 212
But I consider these of lowest priority. :P
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
My favorite example: I placed a dynamite to blow up enemies, but instead of escaping normally, I let the dynamite blow me away. Luckily, my hedgehog doesn't drown, but falls in a convenient hole in terrain, saying "That was intended".
Now I noticed you misunderstood my syntax. What I suggested was /shrug enclosed in "" (or '' or --), just like bubbles. This way there wouldn't be need for another case to display numbers on hedgehogs.
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KoBeWi: Ehhh, your suggested syntax is awfully arbitrary and convoluted. Combining speech bubble syntax with taunt syntax? No, just no.
Btw: You used the quotation marks as part of the syntax but NOT as part of the quote. I used the quotation marks as … quotation marks and NOT part of the syntax. That explains the confusion.
Too bad the English language doesn't seem to let us to escape characters (e.g. quotation marks). How do you quote a quotation mark? No idea.
Anyway, I stick with:
Because its consistent with other commands and far more obvious than:
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Anyways, the syntax I suggested is just easier to implement. If you want to just do /wave 5, you'd have to make numbers appear on hedgehogs when typed /wave, just like with "5. The problem is, there are more commands than just /wave, so they have to be recognized somehow. And if you don't display numbers, the implementation will be lacking compared to bubbles.
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