Infection Gamemode suggestion

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User offline. Last seen 7 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 3

Hi! Since i'm new to coding and also to the HW community,it would be cool to add a new gamemode called Infection.
e.g.:1 player is infected,haves 200 health points,and a bat/melee weapon. others are non infected.infected infects a hedgehog,forcing the non-infected hedgehog join the infected team. non-infecteds have to eliminate the infected with weapons.
If someone can do that,i'd be really happy! Smile

yo yo nask a fria

MK's picture
User offline. Last seen 7 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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And add poisoned crates & barrels in normal gm. If take crate random weapon in inventory get poisoned effect(standart dmg + poison dmg). Barrel have only poison dmg(2-3 turn to recovery or take health crate)

User offline. Last seen 7 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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MK allegedly wrote:

And add poisoned crates & barrels in normal gm. If take crate random weapon in inventory get poisoned effect(standart dmg + poison dmg). Barrel have only poison dmg(2-3 turn to recovery or take health crate)

oooo,nice idea,but,in normal gamemode?don't you think that should be added in schemes instead of infection? Shocking Anyway nice idea! Deagle! Pouncing

yo yo nask a fria

UltiMaxKom's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
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Nice idea =)
I guess this idea come from FPS Game (COD: AW?)
But nonetheless, its a good suggestion though, lets see if someone would do it
I think Lyberta or KoBeWi can do this =]
BUT unfortunately however...
They maybe busy like I do with our own project (I do something as well, they too)
So, why not you try to make it instead =D ?
It should be a good goal for newcomer like you
Newcomer can only grow when they had a goal, and this idea, is your kickstarter for scripting around our Hedgewars World =))

Hmmm, I want to say some advice if you want to try to make it yourself
with note these advice only some bunch of advice (lol, wut? xD)
This is just basic newcomer to do (for me), these what I do for a start (and these wasn't mandatory, just an example)

Hi, welcome to Hedgewars Script allegedly wrote:

  • First: make your own script, go to Hedgewars Directory/data/script/multiplayer then copy one of them, then rename to your script, then read everything inside it (not everything! lol me), and then again erase everything inside it after you examine how easy are those stuff... ofc you need a writing tool! I use Notepad++ -> Its the best for me, anytime (by far)
  • Second: get the kickstart boost, by trying to make simple stuff, like trying to make "Hello world" caption (use AddCaption function), or any other else you interested with
  • Third: read the scary KB in our forum, try every function you interested with into your script, copy pasta! Then examine the effect and the usage of those functions... Experiment, Trial and Error, note, repeat, repeat, and the system works! Duh! what some fun jobs to do =)
  • Fourth: Use variables, use those knowledge you've learn, and make your own function! Try to do it, yea, this is the gate toward greatness! New function to make your system, this like organism, make the small part first, then combine it into a powerful machine! Done? Well, its simple right?
  • Fifth: After the basic is already mastered by you, then try something you never know, research through Wiki and KB, also get into our IRC Freenode Channel (#hedgewars) and ask all your burden to those elder devs =D, they should know everything! So, no more boundaries to try around our beautiful Hedgewars World =]
  • Extra Note: Use Wiki, Knowledge Base(KB), Private Message(PM), and post your problem and support through our lonely forum, I really happy to see another new friend here Big Grin (Hey, I join the IRC too! well, sometimes =/ )

These advice maybe can't fit your needs, and maybe its not complete as I expect, its trivial!
Also, be know that I only try to find friends, nothing more ^^


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User offline. Last seen 7 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 3

UltiMaxKom allegedly wrote:

Nice idea =)
I guess this idea come from FPS Game (COD: AW?)
But nonetheless, its a good suggestion though, lets see if someone would do it
I think Lyberta or KoBeWi can do this =]
BUT unfortunately however...
They maybe busy like I do with our own project (I do something as well, they too)
So, why not you try to make it instead =D ?
It should be a good goal for newcomer like you
Newcomer can only grow when they had a goal, and this idea, is your kickstarter for scripting around our Hedgewars World =))

Hmmm, I want to say some advice if you want to try to make it yourself
with note these advice only some bunch of advice (lol, wut? xD)
This is just basic newcomer to do (for me), these what I do for a start (and these wasn't mandatory, just an example)

Hi, welcome to Hedgewars Script allegedly wrote:

  • First: make your own script, go to Hedgewars Directory/data/script/multiplayer then copy one of them, then rename to your script, then read everything inside it (not everything! lol me), and then again erase everything inside it after you examine how easy are those stuff... ofc you need a writing tool! I use Notepad++ -> Its the best for me, anytime (by far)
  • Second: get the kickstart boost, by trying to make simple stuff, like trying to make "Hello world" caption (use AddCaption function), or any other else you interested with
  • Third: read the scary KB in our forum, try every function you interested with into your script, copy pasta! Then examine the effect and the usage of those functions... Experiment, Trial and Error, note, repeat, repeat, and the system works! Duh! what some fun jobs to do =)
  • Fourth: Use variables, use those knowledge you've learn, and make your own function! Try to do it, yea, this is the gate toward greatness! New function to make your system, this like organism, make the small part first, then combine it into a powerful machine! Done? Well, its simple right?
  • Fifth: After the basic is already mastered by you, then try something you never know, research through Wiki and KB, also get into our IRC Freenode Channel (#hedgewars) and ask all your burden to those elder devs =D, they should know everything! So, no more boundaries to try around our beautiful Hedgewars World =]
  • Extra Note: Use Wiki, Knowledge Base(KB), Private Message(PM), and post your problem and support through our lonely forum, I really happy to see another new friend here Big Grin (Hey, I join the IRC too! well, sometimes =/ )

These advice maybe can't fit your needs, and maybe its not complete as I expect, its trivial!
Also, be know that I only try to find friends, nothing more ^^

okay,thanks for the advice,but,i'm not fitting in programming for now,since i'm totally new to coding... ugh. P.S. it comes from call of duty advanced warfare,cod ghosts and modern warfare 3,yes,you guessed it,congrats.

yo yo nask a fria

Lyberta's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 177

It all started in a Zombie Mod for counter-Strike back in the 90s if I remember correctly. Shouldn't be hard to do but hard to balance.

UltiMaxKom's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2016-06-26
Posts: 381

Salvitus allegedly wrote:

okay,thanks for the advice,but,i'm not fitting in programming for now,since i'm totally new to coding... ugh. P.S. it comes from call of duty advanced warfare,cod ghosts and modern warfare 3,yes,you guessed it,congrats.

Well, its not a problem Wink Smiley
FYI, I'm not a programmer, nor get programming class, or even know about it before trying this
Also, I still "New to Coding" tbh

Why don't you try it Big Grin
I think its really hard at the start, then it turns out
It is xD
No, joke, I mean, its really easier than you think
EVEN WITHOUT PROGRAMMING SKILL (Even if you are really new to code something, and know nothing about the basic)

For me
You only need:

  • Curiosity
  • Will
  • Courage
With one thing too: Creativity to expand
If you have Curiosity, you can get Will, and if you got Will, than Courage can be follow, but without Will, your Curiosity and Courage just nothing, without courage your Curiosity and Will can't be done, and without Curiosity your will and courage will moving really slow and narrow without a real purpose, these three chained and can't be separated, one lost, two will be worthless...
Also, this is the tough part to get: Creativity...
Well, its optional though, without creativity it won't be a problem at all
You just need those three, and you're good =)

I'm know nothing about coding but can be this far
So are you too, its just take couple of months (I think 3 months enough to master the basic (in Hedgewars Engine (Lua Programming Language)))

PS: Its my opinion, atm ofc, may be not right at all, just my opinion to be an advice Smile

Well, start now and master it sooner ^^


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