[Wallpaper] Some Wallpapers...
I've recently playing with Photoshop from 3 days ago [18June17]
But I don't photoshoping all the way long, ofc I do it partially!
Maybe for some couple of hours...
I create some Wallpapers
And here it is! The collection of ugliest wallpaper ever made xD!
This, is the first one (well, to be honest, not the first one but I considering this one as the first wallpaper "completed", because I have create one before this but its not continued and be erased, well, I working on 3am at that time, it make me so sleepy x)! )
Download Link: Fantasy Planetview Landscape Wallpaper v5
Is it good? Ty for commenting on this =]
Well, I knew its ugly, but don't too overrate it =/
Bu, b, but, bbb, butt, but!
Don't burn me pls D;
Then I make another one, this one is simple, and calm as the moonlight touch you in a cold night (wut?)
Download Link: The Moon Summit
Nah, too simple, not beautiful enough for those know better than me :]
Then after thinking about Hedgewars, then I trying to make a Hedgewars Fanart along with some little editing from my previous Wallpaper "The Moon Summit", then here it is
Download Link: Hedgewars Wallpaper The Moonbattle v2
Btw, why don't you use it =D ?
Its our Hedgewars Fanart! I hope it can make you love Hedgewars more than ever <3
And well, if you don't like my favorite colour like you've seen above (mine is Black, and Red)
Then I create its duplication with colour changes, so it seem more soft than the Black version
Download Link: Hedgewars Wallpaper The Moonbattle Blue v2
Blue! Yea blue!
Its soften right? (lol, I have made it worse xD)
Wait! The Moon Summit in blue version too!
Download Link: The Moon Summit Blue
Please be remember than these "may be" just temporary upload
I maybe can upload more with newer version, idk
Just be note this may be not the last
It can be better right?!
Also, please tell me whats wrong with those ugly wallpaper if it does
And give me critics your lovely critics !!!
Well, positive critics please =)
Aaaannnddd... one more thing:
Its free, free from anything, use, modify, or whatever you want
Crediting isn't mandatory, nor necessary at all
So, cheers! ^^
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Wow, the first and last one look super cool D:
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I forget to say these
So, to be note: Those are created from scratch, no External Images included (except for brushes, only brush, well I need it), no template. I create from background then layer by layer. And for information those are PNGs in RGB 16bit channel (it must be, because if it 32bit channel, I can't save it as PNG), 1080x720px in size, so these quite small for wallpaper (right?), its a bit harder to make bigger one than these (well, its even harder because my old laptop, all the time saying "Not enough memory (RAM)", and its loading time is bad compared to regular laptop, well, my laptop can't handle the weight of Photoshop CS6 =/, Photoshop CS6 can bring mine down by sucking staggering amount of RAM! well, it ranged above >1 GB of RAM! well, my laptop's RAM just 2 GB (smaller when included the system reserves needs), MY LAPTOP SUFFER FROM THIS xD (without running other application, its still suffering x) )
And Thank you very much KoBeWi =D (seriously, I really appreciate your opinion)
I really happy hear it from you =)
BUT! Your collection of themes are better than these Wallpaper
Anyway, its just a side job (well, I bored so I try to draw lol, so, maybe I don't upload more =| (idk))
And again, thanks KoBeWi for make my day ^^
And one more thing
EDIT: Those Wallpaper use no external images, (and) except the Hedgewars Fanart, well sorry D:
Those Hedgehogs are from Hedgewars (then it external right? lol my logic xD)
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2GB is tons and tons of RAM - maybe try booting into linux and using gimp? ☺
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
lol, nice try, nemo
2GB sounds like tons of RAM, but that's very low in today's standards. My laptop is over 4 years old, but has 8GB RAM and the biggest image I was editing in GIMP was 15260 x 12248 (imagine this). It's not the limit ofc.
Well, simply using GIMP is really an option too, because from my experience, Photoshop is an overkill. Also, assuming you have legit non-trial copy of Photoshop (hehe), you should be able to afford a better laptop.
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My point was he was editing a 1080x720 image. https://www.gimp.org/unix/howtos/tile_cache.html
1080x720x6.33 = 4.6MiB of RAM. That's a trivial amount of memory - clearly the rest of it is going to the system. I've edited images that size NP on my old old old computer with a mere 512MiB of RAM (Gnome2, GIMP).
So. Here's how much memory a MATE desktop is probably using. https://l3net.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/cmp-all4.png
Seems to be 42MiB. There's probably stuff that's not serving much purpose that have enabled - for example checking on my system, blueman-applet - probably don't need that, seems to be using 45MiB of RAM, but can't be bothered to turn it off - just leaving it in default config.
So. After booting up this Ubuntu laptop and firing up a terminal window... 455MiB used. If he had somewhat similar experience, that would leave 1593MiB for GIMP, which means he could edit a 16 000 x 16 000 image - hundreds of times larger than what he was playing with.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Indeed, in my eyes, its very small like KoBeWi said
And, you can editing 15260 x 12248 sized image
But mine is exhausted when trying to go into >5000px sized image (And it may say: Out of Memory (RAM); again) xD
GIMP =| ?
? Or Kurgezagt!?!?! I love them... lol, what I have said, nvm xD))
Linux ?
Uh, I can't play some risky game to my laptop (reinstalling nor dual booting or etc)
This my uncle's laptop though (he gave me duh! No money to afford something else!)
Many problem to do if I reinstall to Linux =/
One thing to consider as well is, uhm, HDD capacity, mine is small though (I assume yours are bigger), and also its full xD (Mostly are Movies and Videos, so many of them (who know Reaction Time here
Sort of: I can't =(
Anyway, idk how to use Linux OS, I love Windows (because Windows is the only OS I used all the way long lol)
I (too) comfortable with Windows, its enough for me (my inner-self talking)
If it is really really better
Please tell me the difference between Window OS
Because I don't really know about that, I only use Window and never use somethin' else, so...
btw, why Photoshop is an overkill?
(Sometimes I looking some better laptop in Amazon (just looking around derp!), I didn't remember seeing laptop with 2GB of ram, idk =/ )
Also, yea I want to afford better laptop
PS: Some player, when I was playing Hedgewars also said 'Use Linux' when I get some Hank or loading or something like that x)
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Personally, I prefer Windows. I used both systems, though Linux only for a short period. From my experience, its speed and stability over Windows is a myth, as I experienced Linux completely freezing on a high-end PC. Twice. It doesn't have a stupid amount of unnecessary processes running in background, but that's it. So if you have Windows, stick to Windows.
Luckily, GIMP is available both for Linux and Widows. By Photoshop being an overkill, I meant that it's very heavy software overloaded with stuff unnecessary for casual people. It's better suited for professionals, and you can achieve same effects in GIMP in most cases anyways.
So, stay on Windows, but you could try GIMP to see if it's better for you.
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Thanks for telling me =D
Okay, okay, I'll try the GIMP later =)
KoBeWi: Damn, my cafe going to close, and will not opened until the time it want to reopen (not going soon)
They went back home, so, idk when they are back =/
So, maybe I can't go online for a long time D:
I'm so sad, this my last message before I go home and maybe the last for very long time
Wish the best for our forum and you =]
I hope can back online again =/
ty ^^
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There is also Krita that is targeted to artists.
In my experience Windows is a bloated piece of shit and spyware. Last time I installed windows I went to Add & Remove components and uninstalled half of them, same with services. GNU/Linux gives you total freedom. You can make it very small if you want. I've run Debian on top of Android on a phone with 512 MiB of RAM. I run latest Debian on a Pentium 4 PC from 2005.
My stuff
I think a lot of the "freezing on X" problems people encounter is specifically hardware related - especially the myriad configurations of randomly implemented intel audio/video out there. But also fun stuff like mysterious magical power configurations.
The Linux folks usually have to implement that themselves, often with no documentation, and with computer A having very slightly different chip settings from computer B.
For example, someone I know has an Inspiron 5565 that locks up if suspend is enabled. I'm not sure WTF is going on exactly but it completely corrupts the filesystem forcing fsck recovery from flash drive. There's some interesting spew to dmesg from "AMD-Vi" about unresponsive devices and supposedly a 4.9 kernel fixes, but... yeah. My only comfort was that when digging into the problem I ran into tons of "hibernate locks up Dell laptop X in Windows" too.
Linux on laptops has been a battle for years, since you have almost no control over the hardware, and there are myriads of configurations.
Frankly, I think they are doing damn well, since, many times you can take a linux bootable flash drive, plug it into a random computer and have it "just work". The only reason Windows usually "just works" is 'cause a custom image was created for that hardware, as anyone who has tried to do a clean windows install on a random machine has probably discovered, you're going to spend hours hunting for drivers, if you can find them, probably on a manufacturer website - assuming they were supporting that version of Windows.
But, yeah, I'd say if you were buying a new laptop, it definitely pays to do some research first, or buy one with linux preinstalled, if you can find that.
https://certification.ubuntu.com/hardware/201606-22367/ ( Inspiron 5565 )
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Well, I didn't have problems with Windows because I built my PCs myself so every piece of hardware came with its own drivers. As for laptops, yes, buy one with GNU/Linux preinstalled. Sure, there are not many models but they are easy to find on the Internet.
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