[Website] Notification

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UltiMaxKom's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello Hedgewars Realm Big Grin ! (<-Another Weird Greeting)

I want to request something to Devs or for anybody who can do it...
And that is, uhm, Forum Notification Shocking
yeah, I said what I have said (10/10 joke?)

I need this, and I think its a good idea after all
I LOVE Hedgewars Forum (yup I did) as well as I love Hedgewars
So, I really appreciate if Devs would add this feature to our Lovely Forum =]

This started from my Youtube Notifications (well, they're annoying, because there are dozen of them show up when I get Internet Connection (yeah, too long being offline x) ) )
Today, I got Youtube notifications so much that fill up the windows
And I thinking to myself:
If we got notification system in our Hedgewars Forum, why not?
Though it can pop out automatically to tell us there are something new in forum
And its really visible to be seen

Other Reason? Okay, well, um
Because I need it?
Because it was a good idea?
Because, uh, don't tell me to hurry D;!
Okay, okay, I give up...
I just think its a great feature if we have such things

Anyway, its possible, right?
But well yeah, I know the problem: Work
And this problem, is, tedious =/
But again, I think this feature worth it
Worth the works needed

Last paragraph, don't worry! xD
For 'whoever' would try it, I'd be very thankful for that ^^


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Dat_Boi's picture
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I am not a developer nor am I an expert at code, but this might be an interesting feature to have. You somewhat get a notification on you hedgewars email, but when you want it for posts, you have to be watching the post, then wait for the system to tell you that you have a new post reply (or something to that effect), so yeah this is getting a support vote from me!

Oh man waddup

Lyberta's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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All developed forum engines usually have the ability to receive email when someone replies to thread you are subscribed to. This one doesn't seem to have it.

nemo's picture
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Lyberta allegedly wrote:

All developed forum engines usually have the ability to receive email when someone replies to thread you are subscribed to. This one doesn't seem to have it.

Heh. Don't forget that this poor website is running on a version of Drupal almost a decade old since no one has stepped forward to update it ☹

Well. There's been offers but doing migration is a bit tedious. Ideally would like to avoid losing old posts for example.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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