Why is Hedgewars considered in Alpha?

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Hi all,
I've played Hedgewars on and off for like the past 6 years.

I've never really had issues running the game, the online works fine, and sure new things have been added. But why is it considered in Alpha?

Is there something missing from the game that is necessary to have before release?

I haven't had any issues playing the game at all, even 5-6 years ago when I first started playing.

Just curious I guess.

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It's the mentality where 1.0 is the perfect game where absolutely all features imaginable are implemented.

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I remember years ago unc0rr gave his wishlist for 1.0
Let me see if I can find it.

Ah. Interesting - looks like what he really wanted at the time was a single player campaign - perhaps he feels current one is too buggy?
I have a funny saved quote from back then.

<@unC0Rr> 0.9.17-dev could become 1.0 when released... it depends

That was 6 years ago Wink Smiley

Anyway. I suspect part of it is moving deadlines, the awareness of various flaws... Maybe fear of commitment is part of it.
It's true the campaign had a lot of issues - although Wuzzy addressed a ton of them in current 0.9.23-dev

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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IMO as long HW still has a very buggy campaign it's not really 1.0.0-worthy.

It's really that simple.

The hand-drawn map menu is also very ugly and needs serious updating.

There might be other bugs which hold back a 1.0.0 release. But I believe it's not much.

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What kind of bugs need to be solved to consider it as stable 1.0 release

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My personal opinion is that all bugs with severity “major” or higher should be fixed. There are currently 15 such bugs.

The definition of a “major” bug is for bugs which are not crashes, but still break a major aspect of gameplay or are just hugely annoying, or it's a major feature being broken. One well-known example are the broken rubber band textures from 0.9.21.

“critical” and “blocker” bugs are only for crashes, desync errors and anything else which completely or almost completely breaks the game.

Here's a list:
Bug list with all bugs of severity “major” or higher, sorted by severity

The other developers may have a different opinion on this, however.

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I suppose game does have so much work in progress and is always progressing, so call it a open beta would be more apropiate.

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I actually agree with that one.

Hedgewars has been feature-complete for years, but it's still riddled with some nasty bugs.

So yeah, Hedgewars is actually in a public beta. Since a long time, actually. We just never called it that way.

I never said Hedgewars is in Alpha stage, that was just brought by Flatlander.

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