More editablity

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TitaneerYonathanYeager's picture
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I know this would be a pain in the A$$ to make, but it would make the game a whole lot better. There should be an graphical editor for new styles, or a special style that the host of the game (a lan, online, or even on a single computer game)can edit everything about a team, like the weapons a single hedgehog can use,the health each hog has,if they can use more than one weapon a turn(like the specialists) etc. The thing is I want to make a team that is my favourite characters(they are made up mostly), and they have varying health, weapons, and what they can do. The problem is I don't want the enemy to look like my team, because its me favourites.
thank you for the time and consideration.


UltiMaxKom's picture
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Hey Hedgewars FAN! Big Grin
Yeah that pain in the butt cheek is whole right!
Cuz this one is also a big works to do!
But with investment, may come the income

Well, I can help your suggestion
For Hedgewarriors foe nor friend alike in Hedgewars Realm
What do you think if our Big Hedgewars had this feature as well:
(Easy, Map-Making feature (Mark the word: Simple))

Well, that may just one among other games with highly customizable stuff in them
And we are one of them as well right!?

This just a random Inspiration
While the efforts to do so simply rely on us...

+Hey! I'am a Demon! You're an Anti-Demon character =_=?
Meet me at the battlefield Big Grin (lets play?) EDIT: jk! I can't on the best guess! xD


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Wuzzy's picture
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All styles are based on the Lua scripting language and require programming. To implement your idea as you wish would mean we do a graphical programming language or something like this. No, this is not going to happen, it would be way too overkill. And it wouldn't really help much because someone still has to program the game logic. So it's really a huge effort for little benefit.
If you want to tell the game exactly what to do, the best way to do that is by coding. Simple as that.

BUT: What could be done with much less effort is by simply improving the generic configurability in schemes and adding more options in the GUI. I feel that more game modifiers need to be added in general. Hell, in the long run we might even make the weapon attributes (damage, etc.) editable.

You might be interested in my Game Hacks style in which I have experimented a lot with

I think many ideas (not all of them!) from that style could go into Hedgewars.

I feel that Hedgewars is a bit lacking in a few game modifiers. What I want to have in future is definitely:

- Enable hog switching for free at turn start
- Disable fall damage

Feel free to suggest more game modifiers. The more useful, the better!

The script parameter allows for great deal of additionl configurability and is very powerful. But it's inconvenient to use at the moment; you MUST read the wiki to understand it.
Improving the usability of the script parameter by providing a fancy GUI for that is definitely on my long-term TODO list.

like the weapons a single hedgehog can use,the health each hog has,if they can use more than one weapon a turn(like the specialists) etc.

Hmmm, I think this could be implemented by supporting the script parameter for The Specialists. It just makes sense to me. I think I remember this idea.

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Lyberta's picture
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But adding a code window with syntax highlighting and debugger would help a lot. This way you can code without exiting the game.

UltiMaxKom's picture
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This should really big stuff to do (if someone intended to do so)
And I isn't recommend to do it, cuz its like eating a whole cheese wheel in less than two bites!
Too big, but take the idea! I still feel it inspirational. Hope in future it wasn't a dream anymore
But for now, its overkill, so right

Lyberta allegedly wrote:
But adding a code window with syntax highlighting and debugger would help a lot. This way you can code without exiting the game.

Nah! This what a great idea looks like!
Code window with syntax highlighting and debugger without exiting the game and we can still write stuff?
That more like it! Cuz hey! Efforts smaller income bigger, efficiency right?
But hey, just remember one thing:
I love Notepad++ too much ( OwO)
Nevermind! Its an awesome idea dude ^^!
Hope can see it soon... so soooon...........................................................................................


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Wuzzy's picture
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No, I strongly disagree here.

It is not the goal of Hedgewars to create a full-blown IDE or even just a text editor. I don't even want this as a late feature.

The problem of “editing code” has already been solved in tons of other programs and they do it already much better than Hedgewars probably ever will.
So this functionality will be extremely redundant and will just waste precious developer time. The time spent on text editor nonsense is time lost for actually developing the game. This is way too overkill.

IMPORTANT: You should know that you don't actually have to restart Hedgewars entirely if you changed an existing script. You can stay in the main menu (aka frontend), you just have to restart the running game. Each time you start a new game, the script is re-loaded.
Hedgewars itself needs only a restart if you added or removed a script to update the script lists.

In my opinion focus should more be on improving the overall debuggability of Lua scripts. For now, we have the /lua chat command and you can write stuff to the console but that's basically it. The biggest missing feature is a simple “debug screen” with advanced internal info, such as cursor position, etc.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Lyberta's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
The problem of “editing code” has already been solved in tons of other programs and they do it already much better than Hedgewars probably ever will.
So this functionality will be extremely redundant and will just waste precious developer time. The time spent on text editor nonsense is time lost for actually developing the game. This is way too overkill.

Take any Lua IDE and embed it, done.

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
IMPORTANT: You should know that you don't actually have to restart Hedgewars entirely if you changed an existing script. You can stay in the main menu (aka frontend), you just have to restart the running game.

Yes, but you can't set a breakpoint, look at the contents of variables, change those, etc.

UltiMaxKom's picture
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How about Import Manager Feature?
I just want to include my own images and sounds or music (sound is important) into the game
And if we had such thing as Importing stuff without doin' destructive method such as replacing existing file (which is really limited)
Replacing existing stuff is bad idea, but unfortunately is a the last solution available atm
Just if we had better modding feature on these, then I'll be happy
Example: I have create time rewind weapon (works) but no sfx, or like laser gun (which is real possible for me now with my system here), or like Nuclear Fallout weapon (have done it already) where sound is real important if the weapon want a soul on use. Otherwise its feel bitter to fire a Laser Gun without sound or anything...

Anyway, IMO it isn't too big and seems relevant to be a Content Creation feature in Hedgewars
This can be available on Hedgewars, right?

Thank you ^^


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