[Theme] Fire

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KoBeWi's picture
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Still not using version numbers, eh? :P

This theme is really creative theme and very unusual. It's probably one of the most creative themes I've seen so far.
It's great so see unusual idea put into practice. Now I also know why you wanted rising flakes. Big Grin

The background is really well made. I also like the general landscape. I'm quite surprised to see how well this theme went out. The girders are simple but fit perfectly.

The flakes are a clever idea, but they can be easily confused with real smoke or flames. The smoke flakes are annoying if you have lots of real barrels with real smoke. :/

The music is very “hectic”, even before Sudden Death. It's also very loud. It kinda makes sense for this kind of theme, but I'm used to that pre-SD music is usually much more calm than the SD music.

It is difficult to hear the “water” drop sounds.

Although this theme is quite cool, I wouldn't recommend to include this theme in official release for two reasons:
1) It doesn't use real water. HW is strongly built on the assumption that there is water or at least a liquid. This is reflected by the ticker messages and by the fact that some weapons interact with weapons
2) There are too many distractions, namely the very loud/hectic music and the flakes

But this theme would be a perfect candidate for DLC, if it weren't for the version number. :P

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

KoBeWi's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 week 23 hours ago. Offline
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Version numbers for new themes will come in the complete edition. I will just pack everything again, including the recent updates to old themes. I'd have to re-upload every single theme if I wanted to add these numbers for the singular releases. Well, the collective will be the one to be added as DLC, so it doesn't matter that much.

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