[Theme] Slime

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KoBeWi's picture
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Remember when I wrote just few hours ago that the themes I posted were last ones for a while? I lied.

This is probably the only non-icy theme that uses ice flag. Not only ice is slippery, you know. (kind of lame it affects only girders tho)

Also, Sudden Death looks cool:

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e22gehk89uf5bw8/Slime.hwp

Works only with 0.9.23

Wuzzy's picture
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I thought you switched to using version numbers. Sad Smiley

Anyway: Interesting idea.
But without any flakes, clouds or horizont background this theme seems kinda … dead. This is my biggest criticism of the theme.
IMO flakes are quite important, they should generally not be left out because they hint at the wind direction.

The slime objects look fun. But I don't like the contained hedgehogs and objects, they seem out of place. I would either remove them or re-draw them from scratch (for proper scaling, contours, etc.).

The placable girders don't look too good because of the drops. You can clearly see how the drops just got pasted in, you can see the upper “end” of the drop image. It doesn't seem to fit. Also, the drops make the girder quite thick.

I don't really like that you colorize rubber. Colorizing the “girder” part is OK, but not the rubber itself.

Good music selection.

Sudden Death:
Good SD flakes.
The background seems to be all black. This is our fault since you can't really change the SD background yet.
The water coler makes sense, but have you noticed that if you scroll up, the water looks really weird?
This might be a glitch in the way how HW renders the water gradient, probably not your fault.

Overall, I like the theme and I keep it on my disk.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

KoBeWi's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
I don't really like that you colorize rubber. Colorizing the “girder” part is OK, but not the rubber itself.
k Shocking (I totally didn't do this for my previous themes in the recent update)

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
The background seems to be all black. This is our fault since you can't really change the SD background yet.
Yeah, I used sd-tint for this and I'm satisfied with the creepy feeling it gives.

btw, I thought about adding more features, like sd sky/horizon, animated clouds/sky etc. (imagine Hedgewars with animated backgrounds).

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:
The water coler makes sense, but have you noticed that if you scroll up, the water looks really weird?
This might be a glitch in the way how HW renders the water gradient, probably not your fault.
I noticed this, and it really is some glitch. The bottom of the water used to be all black, but it looked even worse. Seems like HW supports water gradients, but only looks good if top and bottom are almost the same.

Glad you like the theme though Wink Smiley
(also, I commented on version numbers on Fire theme)

Wuzzy's picture
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There's a bug in the slime theme: The long rising vertical girder has some floating pixels at the left.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

KoBeWi's picture
User offline. Last seen 3 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Thanks, fixed.

I just realized that the prime reason I don't like version numbers is the managing. When there's no version number, theme gets automatically overwritten when I upload new version, so I don't even need to change links. With versions, you need to change link each time if you post something on the forum, also you need to manually remove old versions (unless you like cluttering your space). I'm not sure if it's worth managing it all, especially when I like to make random fixes (I already ninja-edited few new themes). I know I shouldn't randomly re-upload stuff (sorry xd), but I have a feeling that it doesn't matter if the file can be downloaded only on the forum. Sure, few people use this, but I never seen anyone online playing my themes or even having them. Version numbers for official DLC release is more important, because you can actually find them in game (that's why there are people playing Luelle's themes online).

Although, maybe I should just keep package names, but change only theme names? >_>

ivan866's picture
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good theme

Have a melon.

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