[Suggestion] Highlander team killing is a cancer [From a Friend]

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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Hello Hedgewarriors Big Grin!
Well, I'll go short on this

Here, I want to tell you guys a suggestion that my friend told me recently
He/she want for Highlander to make penalty for ppl to kill their own teamates
As he/she said "Teamkilling is cancer" if I remember correctly
He/she wanted for this to be forbidden, and doing so result penalty
What do you think?
And can this be considered ^^ ?

PS: I post it for him/her because he/she is shy
and he/she said the lack of his English (which I think isn't a problem at all =/)


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KIRA's picture
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Flying true story... teamkillng is cancer. im tired of all these uberhogs that kill their teammates for get an advantage. no more teamkillng and no more kamikaze weapon for all pls.

KoBeWi's picture
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Maybe Highlander should have some script parameters for such options. And by default, team killing would be punished, unless you make a proper game scheme with non-default flag.

UltiMaxKom's picture
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Agreed that at least there's a script param for that, so ppl can customize their own game like my friend wanted Smile


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Wuzzy's picture
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Well, teamkilling is just part of Highlander. It's engrained into it, I'd say.

On the other hand, Hedgewars has always been about customization.

Using the script parameter to change this teamkilling rule makes sense to me.

However, I don't think it is justified to directly penalize players for teamkilling.
Instead, the script parameter could be used to not reward the hedgehog for teamkills.

Well, actually, you probably want to not reward clan kills as well, I suppose.

About kamikaze:
You can already remove kamikaze from Highlander by editing the weapon scheme. Just set the start ammo to 0. This has been possible for a long time.
Read Highlander for more.

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Wuzzy's picture
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Alright, I just added it to Highlander! It was very simple to do anyway. Smile

So, if you add “loyal=true” to the script parameter in future versions, you enable “Loyal Highlander”: You only get weapons for enemy kills. If you kill hogs of your own clan, you get nothing.

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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@KIRA yup, Wuzzy already pointing it. Kamikaze and any weapon in High can be removed lik in other stlyes

@Wuzzy thank you very much for considering this =)
My friend would be happy about this =D

PS: Yeah, I prefer dat teamkilling for giving nothing but ashes of comrades
And no penalty included. Cuz well, you got nothing, in the end punishment isn't necessary at all

BUT! Wait a sec...
Killing our own team/clan give us nothing, but in Highvamp (or whatever it would named)
we still get the health of any victim, as well as our team (Vampirism)
Is it right? Well, please lend your thought on this, ty...


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Wuzzy's picture
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Well, Vamplander is just Highlander with the vampirism game modifier enaabled.
The normal vampirism rules apply: You get 80% of damage dealt, regardless of team.

It's no different in Highlander. I like to keep it simple (for now).

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