New weapon: Abduction

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harmless911's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 10 weeks ago. Offline
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A nice addition to the current hedgewars weapons would be abduction. It's pretty simple: like in air attack, you X out you target with your mouse. Then, a UFO flies over and create a triangular gravitational lift at the X. All the hedgehogs inside the lift will fly up to the UFO and disappear inside it. After a few seconds the abduction ends, and the victim is dropped straight down. This weapon could be used in three different ways:
1. Simply picking up and dropping (the lower the hedgehog is, the harder the fall)
2. Moving (put the X slightly to the side of the hedgehog, but so he was still within range of the lift. Then he would fly slightly at an angle to the UFO, but dropped straight down. Could be used to 'push' hedgehogs off cliffs. Here is an image:;11595146;/fileinfo.html)
3. Hill sliding (if your enemy is on a slope that leads to open water or a minefield, then he would roll down it to his doom after you drop him.)

I hope this makes sense, and tell me what you think!

User offline. Last seen 16 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 58


Why not... sounds good.
Another use would be to modify the dropped hedgehogs so that they're slower... "Alien-like" ;o)


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