Rejoining players can't get their team back

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Rapidgame7's picture
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I host a server with a few friends.
Whenever a player disconnects for whatever reason and connects again to the game, they don't get to control their team again. The team's hedgehogs remain transparent and their turns are skipped until the team automatically surrenders and is removed.

In 0.9.22 it used to give the reconnecting player their team back, but since .23 that is not happening anymore. Either that or something wasn't set up correctly.

Is there something I can do?

nemo's picture
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unc0rr confirms that he never enabled that for unregistered accounts. So presumably that code is still there even for the servers that aren't linked to a db. So. not sure how you got that working in 0.9.22.

Simplest hack I guess might be to force isRegistered to always true and rebuild the server?

Or, not have people quit and rejoin games - why would people be doing that in a LAN game anyway? ☺

It's not like there should be connection issues. I wouldn't recommend it if they are just taking a break. Use the "p" key instead.

The rejoin thing can be a bit flakey...

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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