Can we have a pile of default teams?

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I'm amazed that after so many years of Hedgewars that a new installation doesn't ship with a full set of 8 human teams and a big pile of computer teams of a mix of skills so that we can play a game right away, but no, we have one measly team and have to make new ones (unless I'm missing something!)

A default set of teams please for this marvelous game.

sheepluva's picture
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Hi there!

If I'm not mistaken, Hedgewars (0.9.23) comes with 5 default teams: 2 for players and 3-CPU teams with levels 1, 3 and 5 respectively.
Older versions only had 1 default team.

When adding those default teams for 0.9.23 we decided against more default teams because they cluttered the team list, especially on small screens.

As a long-term solution it would make sense to just add a button for adding non-persistent default teams quickly to the local teams-list.

If you have any other ideas on this - let us know! Smile

PS: I created an issue for this as I couldn't find a pre-existing one.

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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Wuzzy's picture
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Yes, current version 0.9.23 actually has 2 human teams + 3 computer teams. I still think it's too few. The chosen numbers are actually quite weird. Why do we have more computer teams than human teams? :O

Actually, I was the one who added more initial teams, but it was nerfed by nemo and sheepluva. Sad Smiley

Personally, I don't like the current setup of 2 human teams + 3 computer teams.

The most logical setup in my opinion would be 8 human teams + 5 computer teams (one for each level).

I think the rationale of “visual clutter” is bonkers.

The argument is nonsense in that if you actually want to play with 8 people, you have have at least 8 teams, so you have to live with this “visual clutter” anyway.
The problem is not the number of teams but the UI itself which displays these teams.

Also, most players don't have tiny screens anymore.

IMO not giving the player a full set of teams to start with is the MUCH bigger crime than this perceived “visual clutter”.

I'm thinking of an use case of “party setup” here. Here it is really a show stopper that you cannot play right away on a fresh setup. That's why anything below 8 doesn't really work.

Long story short: I'm all for 8 human + 5 computer teams, but I'm afraid I'll still meet resistance.

As a long-term solution it would make sense to just add a button for adding non-persistent default teams quickly to the local teams-list.

This would indeed make a lot of sense. Then we can easily scale down on default teams a bit.
But before that, the temporary solution of choice should be “more default teams”.

and a big pile of computer teams of a mix of skills

Actually, there are only 5 skill levels. No need to go crazy here. Wink Smiley

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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

Actually, there are only 5 skill levels. No need to go crazy here. Wink Smiley

But what if you want 3 player teams to play against 3 level-3-CPU teams? :P

So yeah, we need a quick-team-button x)

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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User offline. Last seen 6 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
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Oddly, my new PC install of 0.9.23 (downloaded 2 days ago) only had one "Guestxxxxx" team there. Anyway, all good suggestions here. Any more would be welcome as far as I'm concerned. Yes, I agree that the "cluttered screen" excuse is a GUI problem, not one with teams.

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Cornutopia - your install was new perhaps, but if you kept your old user profile (My Documents/Hedgewars) we won't generate new stuff.

The new default of 2 human + 3 AI is only for clean installs.

If you want to try that out, rename My Documents/Hedgewars to My Documents/Hedgewars.old or something

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Wuzzy's picture
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@nemo, sheepluva:

Would you object to increasing the number of default teams to 8+5?
At least for 0.9.24, that is?

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nemo's picture
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ew clutter. tons of clutter. ugly.

Definitely not for 0.9.24 where we are making no plans to change user interface. It's hard enough for new users to figure out the multiplayer remote vs local teams thing w/o making it that crammed full of junk.

Heck, most people don't even need more than one team. Get noobs adding that 2nd team online and folks getting annoyed and kicking them. It's really only useful for local play.

Also. There isn't *that* much difference between AI levels in current code. Just a bit more inaccuracy w/ each level and some extra stuff enabled in 4 and especially 5.

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Well, I guess it's definitely sheepluva's way then. Smile

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