Suggestion: water texture.

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DrDickens's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 48 weeks ago. Offline
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I have a suggestion. Water looks quite dull, because it's always the same. I think it would be nice to let the devs-mapmakers use their own textures for each map. I mean the game shoul load watertex not from "data\graphics" but "data\theme\themex". I think this will brighten the game very much, so every theme would have it's own water or should it be lava, acid, quicksilver or water liquit best fits theme. I came to this while making Hell-theme. Blue water in red hell. Yuk. Discuss.

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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I think that's a great idea personally. It would be great if you could have flames like in the original worms, with the great fizz sound as the hedgehog meets its doom.

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unC0Rr's picture
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We have this feature already in svn, and we have Hell theme already too.

DrDickens's picture
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unC0Rr allegedly wrote:
We have this feature already in svn, and we have Hell theme already too.

Sad. I'm still working on it hard. I'll finish it anyway, can't give up now. It can be changed into a volcanic theme though.

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Josh's picture
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Did you ever finish this theme..?

DrDickens's picture
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Nah. I've lost every singe file relating. It was on another pc, which i had to crash down fast because CIA was closing on me.

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Josh's picture
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Never mind Smile
Seems ironic that you said

DrDickens allegedly wrote:
I'll finish it anyway, can't give up now.


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