hh.unit22.org upgrade
Wed, 2018-07-04 13:37
Hi guys. Long time no see.
I've been coding for corporation lately using lots of in-house solutions and I feel like my outside world coding skills are getting stale. I couldn't think of anything new to code so I decided to update hh.unit22.org. I also have a friend in similar situation who wants to contribute. My motivation is to have some contact with modern tools so i'm going to go with it even if there's no interest but it would be nice to know that there are people still using it or who would use it if it was working better
Anyway. My first step is to fix server setup (email notification borked some time ego) and update everything to the newest python and django. If you have any feature requests or comments now is a good time to ask.
I've had people ask me for things from time to time...
Um. Going to try and remember what they are. Mod related maybe?
BTW, I kiiiinda screwed up and neglected to actually hook up hwp inside hwp for last release. It works in the -dev version tho, so, override mods have to actually install their sidecar inside the Data tree by unzipping for now
(unzipping a zip containing the file structure and the .lua + .hwp sidecar)
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Welcome back!
I think, before you do anything else on your website, please do one thing right first. I have this one request:
As you ask every user to agree with a free content license (LGPL2.1, if I remember correctly), you should display to the user somewhere that the content on hh.unit22.org is licensed under this license.
Otherwise this just misses the point.
Makes sense, right?
Since it's the same license for everything, I think one general note on the website, or a special page on the website should be enough. Also mention that the author of each file are the people mentioned in “credits” (not that people think you created all the files
A short mention of the license should also be mentioned on the DLC version of the website (but keep it short and simple, and please try to not screw up things; make sure to test, thanks).
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Good point. The reason why i started enforcing the license is because at some point I had to deal with people complaining that others have stolen their work. In one case someone even claimed rights to the weapons scheme which feels silly to me.
I get that people want credits for their work which I was trying to cover by putting authors nicks on my website and also in DLC section but I didn't want situation where making some tweaks to the addons is illegal. Especially since some simple tweaks like reversing maps work very well and gave us lots of fun.
That being said I'm not convinced that I made the best choice for the license plus like Wuzzy has noticed I'm breaking it by not distributing the license with addons (ops). Maybe I should allow choosing the license from some sensible options like different versions of CC. What do you think?
Btw. tests are passing after the backend upgrade. I'm updating frontend now. I dropped the news section because it's dead anyway. I didn't deploy the changes yet.
GNU FDL was a sensible choice, as this is also the default media license for Hedgewars.
I did not ask you to change that, I just asked you to display it properly. If you display it properly, everything should be fine.
It was actually a very good idea to require a free license, it saves us a lot of trouble. Besides, Hedgewars is a free software project, after all.
Note that nobody has complained about the FDL so far. Seems the choice has worked well so far.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Good thing I'm around now. GNU FDL has "invariant sections" clause and if the work uses that clause, it is proprietary.
My stuff
Now when I think about it's probably why I chose it. Otherwise it would be some sort of CC.
I'm not a lawyer so I don't know which license is best but keeping compatibility with the game makes sense to me. I'll do what you say - keep it as a requirement and display properly.
In other words, it's impossible to register right now.
That's the price you pay for depending on 3rd party services for basic site functionality. :-/
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
I'll drop the captcha today. I can live without it for a while and it will keep the site working.
That's done. There's no captcha now.
PS: Maybe you should write something (anything!) on the news section of the site, even if it's just to proof this site isn't dead.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Hah. I just noticed there was no new post since 2013.
I'm keep working on the new version (new look) but it takes time to do things right and I'd like to not break things as a priority.
Hello again!
Looks like the upload feature is currently broken.
The website tells me that pngcrush errors.
I tried with multiple maps and themes, always the same error.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.