Ammos Menu Graphics

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi !

Firstly, I'd like to congratulate evreryone who worked on this project (Tiyuri, I love you), which has greatly grown since the last time I came here. Big Grin
I'd like to help you make the ammos menu more homogeneous (some of the tiles are good, some aren't).
Tis is my first contribution :

I'm aware that the in-game sprite has to be changed too : I'm ready to animate it too ! Smile
This is a tryout (not much time spent, just a try):


I'm trying to keep the style guidelines (vector / cartoon style).
Plus, I work with Inkscape, so it's all vector. Smile
It would be a pleasure to share my sources with anyone who wants to contribute (Tiyuri ?).

See you !

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Hm, i like the original dyno. The thread should be sparkling, not burn like a candle.
But the turnchange you made is awesome, so you win this one.

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Doesn't anyone else care ? Big Grin

I made another target too. Just smoothing.


Uriah's picture
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Hello Banana boy

I like your ammo menu graphics, however I think green for the switch arrow graphic is too dark, as I want the switch arrows to be orange when activated, I think the ammo menu graphic should match these arrows.
How about taking your current graphic and just changing the hue?

The new dynamite looks cool, and I like the flame. However, is the animated one supposed to replace the weapon graphics? In the actual game?
If so, I'm not looking to replace those yet, sorry. Ive already got plans to redraw a lot of them. Also you have to take into account resizing when making these, your "boom" would be unreadable, the star/explosion it's in word turn into a pixelated mess. But I don't know if you ever intended it to be used in game :P Just saying.

But no, very well drawn menu graphics, you can keep going if you like. I was going to do it myself but I'm busy on hats right now.

Well done.

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Hi Tyuri ! Smile

Do you like this orange more ? Maybe still a bit dark, do you prefer this : ?
160*160 32*32 (GIF sucks, I hope it will render as smooth as above in "animated PNG / in the game")

The animated dynamite is just something to try animating : the BOOM will be removed, and the explosion will be redefined for 32*32px kind of size (or maybe removed).

Anyway, I'm just here to help you a little bit (especially if you don't have much time) so if you want my (clean ans precise) ammos.svg file, just ask. Wink Smiley

Edit 01 : New Ninja Rope Hook.

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banana.boy allegedly wrote:
Hi Tyuri ! Smile

Do you like this orange more ? Maybe still a bit dark, do you prefer this : ?*160 32*32 (GIF sucks, I hope it will render as smooth as above in "animated PNG / in the game")

The animated dynamite is just something to try animating : the BOOM will be removed, and the explosion will be redefined for 32*32px kind of size (or maybe removed).

Anyway, I'm just here to help you a little bit (especially if you don't have much time) so if you want my (clean ans precise) ammos.svg file, just ask. Wink Smiley

Edit 01 : New Ninja Rope Hook. ->

The Dark brown colour on the arrows doesnt look all that nice, I'd exchange it for something else, it makes them look a little "muddy".

The rope hook is good, but I'm concerned about how much time you're putting into this. I have a lot of plans for some of the weapons and i don't want you to waste your time drawing them.
Why not come on irc and talk to me so you don't end up wasting time making work that I've already got plans for? Smile I do like what you've done so far though

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As requested, I animated the properly. Wink Smiley
It now bulges.

Here's the In-Game Screencast (it's ogg Theora, it opens in VLC) :

And here's the dynamite.png file :

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Wow, I really likes your new graphics for hedgewar. Much better than those that are currently Smile Create more

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