Can I play Hedgewars on Windows against my friend who uses Linux mint online?

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harrykane140693's picture
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Hi everybody, I am glad to be a member of this forum. Im looking forward to getting to know this community!
I have a question as title, someone can answer me.Thank you in advance

Lyberta's picture
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I don't see why not. The network protocol should be OS agnostic.

nemo's picture
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Yep. We try very hard to ensure we are cross-platform and apart from the odd compile bug, it usually works out well.


You MUST be on the same VERSION of Hedgewars! Current stable is 0.9.24 although we do archive older versions.

If his version of mint is not packaging 0.9.24 he can download the .deb it from Locutus' PPA, or do his own build using BuildingOnLinux which is fairly copy/paste/mint friendly.

He could also stop by our Live Chat for help.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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