[Hats] Various hats, more to add in the future!
Hi! I started playing this game with a few friends, and after realizing we could modify hats and flags and whatever we wanted we went ham on it, hehe
Basically, you'll find-
Doomguy - Just classic doomguy
Flatcap - Hedgehog wearing a flatcap and MANY variations. It was my first team theme after all!
Imperium Of Man Soldier - For a friend. Basically that. Comes with a variation with no weird face, as the face was for a joke (all figurines we saw from them were really scared)
Richard Mask - From hotline miami. Generic chicken mask. Could pass as chicken.
Microwave - Exactly that! Don't ask, hehe. For a friend!
Mongols - MANY variations on these. Maybe half the pack. Sorry, had to do them! It's my current team theme.
Rumia - For a friend, as i am not really into those kinds of stuff, hehe. Could pass as generic girl?
Shikieiki - Same. No idea if i spelled the name right, sorry!
Big Boss - For another friend. Metal gear!
Bandit - Gasmask bandit from Stalker. Could pass as some kind of rebel dude?
Hope you like them! As i said, most hats in there are mongols and flatcaps. Still, maybe you find something you need. MIGHT end up doing more with time.
This time with a lovecraftian theme for your team!
Again, in this one, you'll find-
Cthulhu- Both robed and at full glory. With wings and everything!
Deep Ones- In both Antennae and FishFlapThingamajigs version, and one with both!
Cultists- Both in normal and Deep One versions!
Farmers- Two male, and a woman. Mostly to get all of that "fishing town" feel of something like Innsmouth. Though could be used for something else!
Yasuo- From League of Legends. I hate him, but oh well, a friend requested it.
Aurora- Request! With two variations, as in one i tried to recreate the face of the original sprite. I just don't like to mess with the artstyle too much, that's why i don't edit their eyes, just their expressions whenever i can.
Rem- With blue eyes and normal faced version! The hair will flip when you go to the other side so don't worry, it'd look weird from a side regardless hehe
Tatsumaki- This one was a bit hard! Hope it's not too bad, hehe
Hope you like them too! Mostly lovecraftian horrors in there, oh well. Might do a bit more soon! Have a great time going insane with creatures from the deep!
If you want to use any of them for the game builds, go ahead! Got my permission!
OMG, these look amazing D:
Any chance you are taking requests? I tried to make some hats myself, but the results were... rather bad.
My themes / Theme Editor / Code contributions /
I mean, sure! As long as it's not too complex, hehe
Wow! It looks so professional! Congratulations for the great work!
Well, there are looots of hats that I'd like to add to the game XD But I wouldn't want to burden you with them.
I'd request the two hats I tried to make, with rather poor result.

The first one was Aurora from Child of Light. Here's my attempt >_>
Here's a reference image.
Second one is Rem from Re-zero. This one could be better too, probably <_<

Here's a cute reference.
I mean, they seem alright, but not up to Hedgewars standards (or at least didn't get any other feedback than that)
If you could make better ones that would be nice. Bonus if you could make Tatsumaki too >.>
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To make an attempt at that requested feedback for the two hats in the comment above, I guess what the hats are lacking is depth and detail and shading.
But, I'm not an artist, so I wouldn't be able to add those.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
This time with a lovecraftian theme for your team!
Again, in this one, you'll find-
Cthulhu- Both robed and at full glory. With wings and everything!
Deep Ones- In both Antennae and FishFlapThingamajigs version, and one with both!
Cultists- Both in normal and Deep One versions!
Farmers- Two male, and a woman. Mostly to get all of that "fishing town" feel of something like Innsmouth. Though could be used for something else!
Yasuo- From League of Legends. I hate him, but oh well, a friend requested it.
Aurora- Request! With two variations, as in one i tried to recreate the face of the original sprite. I just don't like to mess with the artstyle too much, that's why i don't edit their eyes, just their expressions whenever i can.
Rem- With blue eyes and normal faced version! The hair will flip when you go to the other side so don't worry, it'd look weird from a side regardless hehe
Tatsumaki- This one was a bit hard! Hope it's not too bad, hehe
Hope you like them too! Mostly lovecraftian horrors in there, oh well. Might do a bit more soon! Have a great time going insane with creatures from the deep!
Just in case you wanna edit them. Just resize them to 32x32 in photoshop afterwards! (Image>Image Size>32x32 with bicubic automatic rendering)
You did a great job with these hats.
If you're taking requests, could you please do a hat based on Waluigi? Thanks in advance!
More images of Waluigi, in case you need them.
Waluigi time!
gBiped, that Rem hat looks weird xd But well, I can't probably expect anything better if trying to stick with Hedgewars style.
Great work with them and very much thanks! :3
My themes / Theme Editor / Code contributions /
This is some interesting work there! Well done!
Personally, I prefer more simple hats, i.e. w/o facial hair. But maybe that's just me.
Your hats are still all totally legit and good work IMO.
I think a “neutral” variant of Villager1 would make sense, i.e. just the hat, no facial changes like hair.
I recommend to remove the “Static_Hat_” prefix from all of the hats, it's just clutter. Some names are insanely long, I recommend to shorten those to make them more readable. It looks quite bad in the hat selection window.
Hint for the future: You can create a Hedgewars add-on for easier installation by creating a HWP file: https://www.hedgewars.org/kb/HWPFormat#Creating_simple_HWPs
Basically just create a Zip archive, create a folder structure Graphics/Hats, put the hats in there, then change the file name suffix of the Zip file to “.hwp”.
Did you use SVG to create those hats? If yes, it would be good practice to share those SVGs, too.
You seem to be quite skilled in this regard. May I interest you to look into some tasks listed here?:
Hedgewars really could use some improved hedgehog images or animations in the core game, like idling animations, poisoned looking hedgehogs, etc. If you are interested, just post in the thread above. If not, nothing happens.
By the way, what's the license for your work? Remember, if there is no license, we cannot use it in Hedgewars.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Oops I kinda died there for a while
for license, I guess it'd be the same you guys use for yours, I guess it'd be something like creative commons atribbution sharelike? surez let's go with that. so yeah, use them!
I'd be more than happy to download this game some other time and see my hats in it, hehe
feel free to rename them! I'll probably won't do more, but I felt the need to come and say that you can totally use them!
if someone wants to check more of my art, I go by Stopsignal on deviantart. Come by whenever you can!
OK, thanks for clarifying, I have become a little paranoid about copyright, due to bad experiences in the past …
So the hats are definitely DLC-worthy, I will look into putting them on DLC soonish.
But first I like to figure out if my peers agree with adding a few hats into official (not sure about that yet, we already have a huge amount of hats).
How did you draw the hats, by the way? Did you use vector graphics or something else? Would be nice if you have SVGs.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
I am happy to announce the addition of ALL these hats into DLC! I have renamed the hats to be more readable.
There are 3 packs: Mixed, Mongol and Lovecraftian.
I also created face-less versions of two hats (in the Mixed pack):
Because I like the more simple hats in general.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.