Some suggestions.

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User offline. Last seen 12 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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Hem. I made sure to use the search, but didn't find any relevant info.

1.) I suggest it would be cool to have a campaign in the hedges. It may be too early to suggest cause it's a lot of work, i know. A unique map for each mission must be drawn. Lots of scripts and engine extension must be coded. But this surely would be awesome.

2.) It would be fun to have customized arts such as weaponry, hats, skins etc, that will be transmitted to to the server, and then to each client (Counter strike style), so you could make your team UNIQUE in the exact meaning, and everyone coud see it.

That is all for now. I had more to say, but the words don't come easy, lol!

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DrDickens allegedly wrote:
A unique map for each mission must be drawn.

Hedgewars already have many missions-ready maps in my opinion. / GG: 3747253

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