[Request4Advice] Better

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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Idk what to title this post, so yeah, better...

(The "Request" part)
Well, I fell into the hiatus hole again and again, with less motivation for my project each time I fall. So, if you may then please send me teasers of your/other's amazing works for Hedgewars! It'll (hopefully) help me to get my project back from hiatus to its overdue schedule *cough*. Welp, just send me anything (no bob or Vegeta, please) that you think can boost me up... =)

(The "Advice" part)
And one more thing.
Which damage types system that you think is the best for my over-complex project?:
A) 1 type of damage (Physical[1])
B) 3 types of damage (Physical[1, 3], Psi[2, 4], Pure[0])
C) 16 types of damage (Corporal[1], Ethereal[2], Naturial[3], Synthial[4], Physical[1, 3], Psioncal[2, 4], Atomial[1, 4], Quantal[2, 3], Neutal[1, 2], Protal[3, 4], Detal[1, 2, 3], Tetal[1, 2, 4], Meta[3, 4, 1], Beta[3, 4, 2], Flex[1, 2, 3, 4], Pure[0])
Assigned with at least one of the following properties:
1 = Outer Damage Resistance Reduction
2 = Inner Damage Resistance Reduction
3 = Armor Rating Recalculation Probability
4 = Shield Rating Recalculation Probability
0 = Sterile Damage (No reduction, absolute damage)

Okay, I know you can't compare anything here accurately, because there's no clear context I bring up for the question (xD). And I won't bring the complete context because it'll take forever to explain (uff). So yeah, it'll be an almost-completely blind answer, at this point *ahem*. Just think it this way: A is the simplest with a single damage system, B is the moderate system with 3 unique damage types, and C is the compact damage system that includes all the combination of all damage properties (4-Combination = 16 (exclude the [0] property))...

And thanks for helping me out!
I'll appreciate everything you can come out for this request!
May your day n' might be the best for you and everything around you ^^


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Wuzzy's picture
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I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.

As for motivation, check out the list of recently closed bugs on Bugzilla:


Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

KoBeWi's picture
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UltiMaxKom allegedly wrote:
send me teasers of your/other's amazing works for Hedgewars!

UltiMaxKom allegedly wrote:
Which damage types system that you think is the best for my over-complex project?
If your project is over-complex, just stick with that and go with third option :v

vint's picture
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Using KISS principle I suggest you "A" and "0". Smile
There is no link to your project's post, tell us more about it.
As cooldown feature, I can talk with you about my development of Officident campaign which is bare pre-alpha. Censored!

Hello, I am author of Typewriter Hedgewars Lua library.
Will be happy to contribute in some HW campaign or mission!

Wink Smiley

UltiMaxKom's picture
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@Wuzzy Thanks!
1] The bugfix list is quite amazing, if you ask me! Even though there are (still) countless things to fix and improve around here, this happy-little-list just simply cheers me up! =D

2] Yeah! All my expectation was that nobody will ever understand the heck I'm talking about xD
I just wanted to keep it real short as I can, and so I only wrote the least I can give.
You know why, dat cuz I can only rarely get an internet connection for some couple of hours. Also, the time I write the original post, my available time were even shorter, so yeah...
(Aside from the fact that I'm no English mothertongue and my grammar is plain suck)

@KoBeWi Thanks!
1] *chuckle irl* Woah! With only a quick-look on the picture of your creations can prove that you're definitely worthy for why they put your nick in the credit screen! An inspiration that satisfies the need my inner dying-self ^^

2] The third option eh? Hmmm...
I'll take it into account!

@vint Thanks!
out-of-context] tbh, your profile pic reminds me of Fallout: Shelter x) idk why xD

2] "KISS Principle" eh? Hmmm...
I'll take it into account!

TL;DR: My project progress haven't reached half the way and its engine haven't yet finished even till now (Its first origin started back in 2016, but (the latest one) restarted in May 2018 from scratch (again). None know when will it be finished, and so I haven't posted it (yet?).
Oh, my project post?
Haven't posted it yet because well... I can't even predict when will it finish =|
I just can't take the risk of 'abandonment', so I better 'not yet' put it in forum =/
Because if I do and if it left unfinished till the heat death of the universe, then it'll be marked as a "False promise" or "The hope too far" or "Hype-to-abortion" project. It would also overpressure me to finish it as fast as possible (which I definitely can't). Maybe, just maybe, later in the distant future, I'll post it here.

About progress, it (still) not yet reach the half of what my full expectation is. THE ENGINE HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED YET *heavy sigh*. My project started very long^2 ago from scratch, May 2018, as the latest fresh restart mark (I've restarted my project for like five(?) times already. Its prime ancestor that gave birth to my current project generation was born in 2016, and keep restarting from since lol). It had a very long journey, and still walking. Its total size is about (the least) >4500 lines and >150000 lengths which separated into 23 different Lua scripts (15 libraries, 7 extensions, and one core Lua script), for now (and it'll keep growing). I think it's bigger than any current Hedgewars Lua gamemode/style script (Including Hedgeeditor), mb? Well, the point is that tbh Idk when will I finish this dem project *take a deep breath* ufff...
Definitely NOT so soon... ='(
Cooldown feature? I've planned to implement this too, when after everything else are stable.
Also, "Officident campaign"? What is it? Sounds interesting! Can you take your turn to explain it to us? And spoils some of its future plan, maybe *wink*? ^^

Anyway, thanks guys for the inspiration and suggestion! I hope you had a great time whenever and wherever you are! ~('u' )~

Post Scriptum: Theme Editor 3? Dank-it, I've been gone for so long x_X
Is it already uploaded or on the way? Regardless though, its amazing!
PS+: Can dev officially add the Theme Editor by KoBeWi into HW 0.9.25 and up? If it stable ofc...
PS++: IMHO Luelle's Themepack are quite lame, official cleanup would be great, my HW theme randomizer sometimes picks one up which I dislike (If I uninstall it, then some of my online matches would be desynced, etc, ya know). Better replace them with KoBeWi's instead, srsly!
Welp, sorry and just nevermind this...


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KoBeWi's picture
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UltiMaxKom allegedly wrote:
@KoBeWi Thanks!
1] *chuckle irl* Woah! With only a quick-look on the picture of your creations can prove that you're definitely worthy for why they put your nick in the credit screen! An inspiration that satisfies the need my inner dying-self ^^
Heh, looks like you missed the most important detail on that image ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ah, actually you commented it in edit :/

The work on new editor started just when I posted the teaser. The progress went smooth, I even added a feature that was really hard to do in previous version, but right now the work is halted for next few days (weeks?). I might make first release when it's in somewhat working state.

mikade's picture
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UltiMaxKom allegedly wrote:

Which damage types system that you think is the best for my over-complex project?:
A) 1 type of damage (Physical[1])
B) 3 types of damage (Physical[1, 3], Psi[2, 4], Pure[0])
C) 16 types of damage (Corporal[1], Ethereal[2], Naturial[3], Synthial[4], Physical[1, 3], Psioncal[2, 4], Atomial[1, 4], Quantal[2, 3], Neutal[1, 2], Protal[3, 4], Detal[1, 2, 3], Tetal[1, 2, 4], Meta[3, 4, 1], Beta[3, 4, 2], Flex[1, 2, 3, 4], Pure[0])
Assigned with at least one of the following properties:
1 = Outer Damage Resistance Reduction
2 = Inner Damage Resistance Reduction
3 = Armor Rating Recalculation Probability
4 = Shield Rating Recalculation Probability
0 = Sterile Damage (No reduction, absolute damage)

For the sake of (y)our sanity, I humbly suggest option B. That said, when in doubt why not do some simplified testing to see how different options perform/feel? I try to prototype anything I make and have other people test it early and then make improvements based on those tests. Good luck with whatever you decide tho. :P

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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Mikade! It's so nice to see you, in reply :O
Okay, aside from the happiness seeing you around in the forum
You suggest for option B, hmmm...
I'll take it into account! Of course!

Note: Three different people suggesting each option, hmmm =/
And each one is very great. Simple, Moderate, or Full, it's all great!
What should I do? lol...

Wall allegedly wrote:

... when in doubt why not do some simplified testing to see how different options perform/feel? I try to prototype anything I make and have other people test it early and then make improvements based on those tests.

My project (atm) is still very rough, heavy, and a not-yet-completed cluster of linked scripts. It won't be easy for it to be massively modified (e.g: Changing fundamental damage system) or to be transported for prototype testing by others (Hard to move around. Because my project is a bulk of scripts; consisting a single core script, some extension, and many libraries (and more to come)). Not mentioning hwp in hwp thing too.

Only if my project is a single Lua script, these all can be done easily...

> Well, I think it's not that simple to do some 'simplified testing' for my case, because it'll be a huge change for an experiment (Changing a fundamental system). It just like trying to haul a big boulder around, then bring it back if I don't feel like it. That is, it'll need many changes for such experiment (Unfortunately). Tho, it's not a big problem, maybe it just me =/
> And about the prototyping, this is a very great solution! Yes, it'll be very handful to see and hear other's vision and opinion about our early prototype. Testing and improvement, a great way of solving any kind of problem. Even though, to be honest, I think I'm an exception, that because I wouldn't upload a half-butted(xD) work. It would be a disaster, as my project isn't properly packed (you know, we can't make a hwp in hwp thing works, yet (still waiting for HW_0.9.25)). It'll be a huge work for me to pack it into a proper form for upload, and a pain for the tester to unpack and test. These all because my project isn't a single Lua script-- It's a system of a core script, extensions, and libraries combined together (separated by folders, too!).

If, and only if, my project is a simple one Lua script like every other game-modes/style in Hedgewars (e.g: Mutant), then it'll be easy to send my friend the script then ask them to test it for how they feel about it. Or to change fundamental things for an experiment as it's not that cluster-complex (It just a single script, it won't be a fatal plague of a widespread mess if you mistakenly made a bug, right?).

Okay then
Thanks, mikade! It's a great advice! (What can't I expect from you *wink*)

In conclusion
I think I'll wait for 0.9.25, as there will be a fix for "hwp in hwp" issue =)
And that's where I (finally) can upload this monster for others to see, huff!
Have a good day n' night!


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