Game engine unexpectedly exits with code 1073741819

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User offline. Last seen 6 years 1 week ago. Offline
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Hello Guys,
first of all: thank you for all the efforts to make this great game possible!
I'm running hedgewars on one notebook already, however on my personal notebook if I try to start a game, the engine exits with exit code 1073741819.
I allready tried to set grafik details to minimum and to switch off audio in the game settings, but the error still persists.
Since I'm going on a business trip in the next weeks and want to play hedgewars with my children via internet, I would be very thankful If you can help me to solve this issue!
Any further ideas what I can try?

Below you find the game0.log.
The notebook is an intel i7 and runs under win7.

Thank you in advance for all your help!



0: [Con] Hedgewars engine (bb074fa5c532) with protocol #55
0: Prefix: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Hedgewars"
0: UserPrefix: "C:/Users/z002zatk/Documents/Hedgewars"
0: 0: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hedgewars\hwengine.exe
0: 1: --internal
0: 2: --port
0: 3: 50458
0: 4: --prefix
0: 5: C:/Program Files (x86)/Hedgewars
0: 6: --user-prefix
0: 7: C:/Users/z002zatk/Documents/Hedgewars
0: 8: --locale
0: 9: de.txt
0: 10: --frame-interval
0: 11: 8
0: 12: --volume
0: 13: 128
0: 14: --fullscreen-width
0: 15: 1920
0: 16: --fullscreen-height
0: 17: 1080
0: 18: --width
0: 19: 1600
0: 20: --height
0: 21: 900
0: 22: --raw-quality
0: 23: 3070
0: 24: --stereo
0: 25: 0
0: 26: --altdmg
0: 27: --nosound
0: 28: --nomusic
0: 29: --nick
0: 30: R2FzdDM4MjU=
0: [Con] Init SDL...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Init SDL_ttf...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Cmd] fullscr 0
0: Preparing to change video parameters...
0: [Con] Init SDL_image...
0: [Con] ok

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User offline. Last seen 9 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Posts: 1861

It's dying in the SDL window creation. This is most likely due to lack of OpenGL support in your current graphics driver.

See if the video card manufacturer has a version of the driver with explicit OpenGL support.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 6 years 1 week ago. Offline
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Hello Nemo,
thank's a lot for your answer.
I updated the graphics driver, but the error stays the same.
According to the driver info, OpenGL4.4 is running.
I also tested OpenGL with "OpenGL checker".
Some nice graphic tests were running sucessfully!
Any Ideas what I could try?
Is there a command for Hedgewars to use Software render or simmilar?


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User offline. Last seen 9 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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I'm just going to paste a conversation from the dev chat channel (irc:// - or the link at top of page)

09:57 <+alfadur> nemo: <-- might be an option
09:58 <+Waldsau> Title: Game engine unexpectedly exits with code 1073741819 | Hedgewars
10:33 <@nemo> alfadur: ah. feel free to reply ☺
10:34 <+alfadur> nemo: I don't have an account ☺
10:37 <@nemo> booo
10:37 <@nemo> fix that first :p
10:40 <+alfadur> too complicated, I better get back to rust Big Grin
11:19 <@nemo> alfadur: but it's a windows user - it's your clan! you're best equipped to answer.
11:19 <@nemo> alfadur: you are literally the only windows using dev we have right now
11:20 <+alfadur> technically unC0Rr builds on windows ☺ although it's probably not enuf to get him involved

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 6 years 1 week ago. Offline
Joined: 2018-09-23
Posts: 3

Not sure what this sould tel me, but for me it seems there is no easy solution!

I installed now Ubuntu in a virtual box and use hedgewars on ubuntu now, which works for me Wink Smiley

If I should try to do some testing with a debug version, just tel me!
I also have a business notebook as described in the link you posted. So it might be a compatibility problem with an old opengl driver.


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